Vascular Surgery ST3 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to Vascular Surgery ST3 higher specialty training. These are the application form questions used for posts advertised in November 2024 with a start date from August 2025.
The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 
Supporting Information

In order to be eligible for appointment to this specialty, you must have successfully completed MRCS by examination (full qualification) by the day after results for the February 2024 examination diet are released.
At the time of application what is your MRCS status 
  • MRCS Part A passed/Part B booked Feb diet
  • MRCS Part A passed/Part B not booked Feb diet
  • I have full MRCS
  • I have not sat MRCS part A
  • Other
If you are appointed to a training post, you will be expected to provide evidence of successfully passing all parts of MRCS no later than the day after results for the February 2024 examination diet are released. Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of any offers made.
2. The below questions are to get the actual number of presentations, publications or 1st author publications
Due to the changes in the self assessment with the introduction of categories we are collating the actual numbers for these questions in this section

At the time of application, how many 1st author publications have you had published in any PubMed indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips. 

At the time of application, how many other publications have you had published in any PubMed indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips. 

At the time of application and since graduation as a doctor, in the last two years WTE of clinical practicehow many national and international presentations have been given of work in which you are a listed author? Do not include poster presentations. 


As part of your application for Vascular Surgery ST3, you are required to complete a self-assessment of your previous experience and achievements with submitting documentation

Below are the 10 Self-Assessment questions along with the possible responses to each question and details of suitable evidence to substantiate your responses.

All achievements should be dated after the commencement of your first relevant undergraduate degree, and in any case, within the last 10 years prior to 5th December 2024.

‘National’ achievements
Where an achievement specifies ‘national’, for applicants achieving this within the UK, national refers to activity within England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or the UK as a whole. Local would mean at the level of a hospital single Trust or University. 
For each domain, please select the descriptor and score which most truly reflects your experience. When more than one descriptor is appropriate for you for a particular domain, choose only the one which results in the higher score.  Include evidence which supports your score.

If an achievement legitimately may fit under multiple domains, it is valid to claim in both categories (for example, academic work which was presented orally then subsequently published).

To receive a domain score at verification you will need to provide a response if there is an additional question after the domain category selection. If you have scored yourself a 0 for a domain please write not applicable in the box.

Please note that not every domain asks for additional clarification.

Please note scores are finalised when the form is submitted. This means they cannot be edited in the event of a mistake, or an additional achievement completed after the deadline.

Completed achievements only
Only include achievements which are fully completed at the time of submission. Do not include anything which is still in progress. For example:
  • do not include qualifications if you have not yet been awarded an outcome
  • do not include articles submitted for publication if they have not been accepted
  • do not include a presentation if you have not yet presented it

You should be honest with your evaluation and not attempt to gain unfair advantage by exaggerating or misrepresenting achievements. If this is identified, it could be considered a probity matter which could lead to outright rejection of your application and, in extreme cases, fitness to practice proceedings.
Your scores will be reviewed by trained assessors and based on your evidence can be revised up or down.
Please check your responses before submitting as once your application is submitted no changes can be permitted.

I confirm I have read the 2024/2025 self-assessment guidance before submitting my application [Tickbox]

I confirm I understand I am not able to request changes to my self-assessment score following submission of my application. [Tickbox]
Domain 1
By the end of July 2025, or by the completion of Core Training if this is later, how many months will you have spent in total in Medicine in any post-Foundation job in any country? Please do not include any other posts. 
  • 0 to 3 months
  • 4 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • 37 to 48 months
  • 49 to 60 months
  • 61 months or more
  • Please provide evidence of completion of training posts  
  • For non-training posts please provide a copy of the front page of your contract of   employment, which must include dates and a clear description of the role  
  • If the front page of your contract does not include both start and finish dates other evidence will be required to confirm the duration of post e.g.  
  • Letter from HR/Head of Service/Supervising Consultant  
Please provide one evidence to support this choice in category (up to 75 words)  (words allowed: 75)
Please provide us with your rationale for why this evidence demonstrate your commitment in vascular surgery? (words allowed: 100)
Domain 2
By the end of July 2025, or by the completion of Core Training if this is later, how many months (whole time equivalent) will you have spent in total in Vascular Surgery in any post-Foundation job (or equivalent) in any country?  Please do not include any other posts.
  • 0 to 9 months
  • 10 – 16 months
  • 17 -20 months
  • 21 – 30 months
  • 31 to 59 months
  • 60 months or more
  • Please provide evidence of completion of training posts 
  • For non-training posts please provide a copy of the front page of your contract of employment, which includes dates
Domain 3
By the end of July 2025, or the completion of Core Training, will you have spent at least 4 months in T&O, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, ENT Surgery, Cardiac/Thoracic surgery, A&E, ITU, Paediatric Surgery, Urology or OMFS posts since completing your Foundation Programme (or equivalent)?
  • I will not have spent 4 months in any of these specialities
  • I will have spent at least 4 months in a post in 1 of these specialties
  • I will have spent at least 4 months in posts in 2 or more of these specialties
  • Please provide evidence of completion of training posts 
  • For non-training posts please provide a copy of the front page of your contract of employment which includes dates
  • If the front page of your contract does not include both start and finish dates other evidence will be required to confirm the duration of post e.g. Letter from HR/Head of Service/Supervising Consultant
Domain 4
At the time of application, how many appendicectomies (laparoscopic and/or open) or femoral artery explorations have you completed which have been done either STS or STU or P or T? The higher of the two scores will count. These must be recorded in a validated logbook.
  • Appendicectomies 0 – 9 or Femoral artery explorations 0 – 5
  • Appendicectomies 10 – 29 or Femoral artery explorations 6 – 20
  • Appendicectomies 30 – 49 or Femoral artery explorations 21 – 40
  • Appendicectomies 50 – 99 or Femoral artery explorations 41 to 50
  • Appendicectomies 100+ or Femoral artery explorations 50+
  • You must provide full logbook evidence. Consolidation sheets from a validated logbook are acceptable. You will be asked for a log of your index procedures (appendicectomies, inguinal hernias, cholecystectomies and femoral artery dissections)
Domain 5a
At the time of application, how many 1st author publications have you had published in any PubMed indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips. 
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4+
  • Please provide a PMID (PubMed identifier) for each paper
  • Collaborative papers may be included in this section if you provide evidence of significant involvement in the design/steering/writing up of the study. Maximum of 1 paper per collaboration.
  • Publications included here cannot be also counted in Question 7
Domain 5b
At the time of application, how many other original papers have you had published in any PubMed indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips.
Please state number of other papers with PMID (PubMed identifier)
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5+
  • Please provide a PMID (PubMed identifier) for each paper
  • Collaborative papers may be included in this section to a maximum of 1 paper/point for each collaborative project in which you have been referenced as a contributor
  • Publications included here cannot be also counted in Question 7
Domain 6
At the time of application and since graduation as a doctor, how many national and international presentations have been given of work in which you are a listed as 1st, 2nd or senior author? Do not include poster presentations.
Please state the number of presentations. 
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6+
  • Please provide a copy of the relevant page of the meeting programme(s)
  • Presentations included here cannot be also counted in Question 7

Domain 7
Submit evidence of the four best audit / quality improvement projects that you have developed, against a published clinical standard and have resulted in a presentation of the results at the time of application. These will be scored against the following criteria.
  • Less than four audit projects that you have delivered, against a published clinical standard and have resulted in presentation at the time of application : 0
  • Evidence that exceeds the descriptors for a score of 0 but does not meet the descriptors of a score of 2 – Score of 1 : 1
  • Four projects of which one includes more than 50 subjects/patients/cases and 3 projects have two cycles and one of these project has evidence of a local change in clinical practice with positive patient outcomes or One of these project has been peer reviewed and presented (including posters) at a national or international meeting affiliated with a medical or surgical society, or published (including abstracts) in a Pubmed indexed journal : 2
  • Evidence that exceeds the descriptors for a score of 2 but does not meet the descriptors for a score of 4 – Score of 3 : 3
  • 4 projects of which 2 or more include more than 50 subjects/patients/cases and all four project have 2 cycles and 2 or more of these projects have evidence of a local change in clinical practice with positive patient outcomes or 2 or more of these projects have been peer reviewed and presented (including posters) at a national or international meeting affiliated with a medical or surgical society, or published (including abstracts) in a Pubmed indexed journal : 4
  • Please provide a summary of the audit and evidence of presentation/publication/change in practice.
  • Evidence that exceeds the descriptors for a score of 0 but does not meet the descriptors of a score of 2 can be scored 1.
  • Evidence that exceeds the descriptors for a score of 2 but does not meet the descriptors for a score of 4 can be scored 3.
Domain 8
At the time of application, have you completed and been awarded a stand-alone UK higher degree or equivalent (see evidence below) examined by thesis/dissertation? (NB: This does not include intercalated degrees) 
  • No higher degree
  • Masters (eg. MSc, MMedEd, MS, ChM)
  • PhD, MD
  • Please provide your degree certificate 
  • If your degree was taken outside the UK, you must also provide evidence of its equivalence (e.g. a letter from the institution confirming that it was awarded following the production of a research-based thesis and full examination together with a copy of your results transcript). 
  • We are aware of organisations such as UK NARIC however the Selection Leads will be the final arbitrators. 
Domain 9
Please select one statement that best describes your involvement in leadership or management since your primary medical qualification.
  • I have evidence of a formal leadership or management role within or outside of medicine at a national or regional level.
  • I have evidence of a formal leadership or management role within or outside of medicine at a local or Trust level
  • I have had no significant involvement in leadership or management
  • Please supply evidence to support your response if you are invited to upload evidence.

Please provide one evidence to support this choice in category (characters allowed: 75)
Describe your rationale for why this evidence prepares you for your future career in vascular surgery  (words allowed: 100)
Domain 10
  • I have a formal qualification in teaching (PG cert or equivalent).
  • I have a formal qualification in teaching (PG cert or equivalent)
  • A substantial interactive and practical teaching qualification
  • None
  • Please supply evidence to support your response which should include a clear description of the learning outcomes achieved, programme content and teaching methods employed. Undertaking a particular named course is not required but mapping to the learning outcomes of the RCSEng is essential
Please provide one evidence to support this choice in category (words allowed: 75)
Please describe the exact level of involvement you had in teaching and training, include any evaluations (words allowed: 100)
Please demonstrate how this has prepared you for your choice of career in vascular surgery (words allowed: 100)