Occupational Medicine ST3 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to Occupational Medicine ST3 higher specialty training. These are the application form questions used for posts advertised in November 2024 with a start date from August 2025.
The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 

Supporting Information

Evidence (1 of 2)

1. Additional Qualifications

Please give details of any completed postgraduate medical qualifications/other degrees/ diplomas/ certificates (e.g. MD, MRCP, MRCPCH etc.). Where a qualification is partly completed please state your exam status e.g. MRCP (Part 1) etc. For an MD please state whether this is linked to your primary medical qualification or the result of an independent research thesis. Please include here any relevant qualifications listed as essential on the person specification. (Words allowed: 250)

Supporting (2 of 2)

1. Applying to benchmark

Please read the explanation carefully and choose your option accordingly as you will not be able to change it later.

You can choose one option only.

I am applying for:

  • An NHS Training post only. (As an NHS applicant, your application will enter the process of offers for NHS Training posts).
  • An Military training post only and have applied for the national recruitment process for benchmarking purposes (open to military applicants only). (As a Military benchmarking applicant, your application will be withdrawn prior to offers being made for NHS Training posts).
  • An Industry training post only and have applied for the national recruitment process for benchmarking purposes. (As an Industry benchmarking applicant, your application will be withdrawn prior to offers being made for NHS Training posts).
  • I want to benchmark for an Industry post AND apply for an NHS Training post. (If you wish to withdraw your NHS application, you must contact the National Recruitment Office prior to the NHS post offer process).

2. ST3 competences

Please confirm your eligibility to enter ST3 Occupational Medicine Training?

  • Currently employed in a UK core or specialty training programme, which leads to successful completion of CT2/ST2-level by the advertised post start date
  • Successful completion of CT2/ST2 in a UK core or specialty training programme, as evidenced by ARCP (an outcome 1 or 6)
  • Completion of CT2/ST2 level of a UK core or specialty training programme with ARCP outcome other then 1 or 6. This is evidenced by ARCP outcome and a Certificate of Completion of Common Professional Capabilities at time of application
  • Not undergone two years of UK core/specialty training but submitting a Certificate of Completion of Common Professional Capabilities at time of application and have at least 24 months experience (not including foundation level experience), in the same specialty area, by the advertised post start date


Self-assessment (1 of 2)

1. Self-Assessment

Please refer to the ‘Self-Assessment Guidance’ document for full guidance.

Use the spaces below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the achievement for each question. Your statement, along with your evidence, will be checked by interviewers to confirm your choice was not over-scored.

If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.

2. Postgraduate Medical Qualifications

  • DOccMed : 1
  • None of the above : 0

Please include details of the qualification awarded, institution/awarding body and dates (Words allowed: 250)

3. Prizes and Awards

  • I was awarded a Distinction during my undergraduate medical training : 2
  • I was awarded a Prize or Merit during my undergraduate medical training : 1
  • I was not awarded one : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above. Please specify any honours degrees, prizes, awards and other distinctions you have gained (Words allowed: 100)

4. Evidence of a portfolio of audit/quality improvement projects, including where the audit loop has been closed and there is evidence of learning of the principles of change management

  • Have made a significant contribution to postgraduate audit projects (e.g. managed an audit project, made recommendations for changes to practice based on audit findings, closed the audit loop) – one or more project a year and at least 1 presented at a regional, national or international meeting : 4
  • Have made a significant contribution to postgraduate audit projects (e.g. managed an audit project, made recommendations for changes to practice based on audit findings, closed the audit loop) – one a year or less and these presented at a Local meeting : 3
  • Have made a significant contribution to postgraduate audit projects e.g. managed an audit project, made recommendations for changes to practice based on audit findings, but have not closed the audit loop : 2
  • Have taken part in other people’s postgraduate audits, (ie data collection) or made other minor contributions, not led or designed the audit : 1
  • I have not participated in an audit project : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed 250)

5. Evidence of relevant academic and research achievements, and involvement in a formal research project

  • Completion of a PhD with original research : 4
  • Significant involvement in research e.g. two-year MD with original research : 3
  • I have had some personal and direct involvement with planning or running a postgraduate research project : 2
  • I have had no involvement in any aspect of research : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)

6. Teaching

  • I have made a major contribution to a local/national teaching programme including organising a programme OR have a recognised qualification in teaching e.g. Diploma in Medical Education, Masters in Medical Education : 4
  • I have some experience in formal teaching Health Professionals (e.g. lectures) and/or I have some experience of formal teaching Health-related topics to a non-medical audience (e.g. lectures) : 3
  • I have attended a Teaching the Teachers course, Generic Instructors course or similar : 2
  • I have carried out informal teaching of colleagues (including nurses and medical students) : 1
  • I have not contributed to teaching : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)

7. Academic Publications (undergraduate or postgraduate)

  • I am first author in more than one peer-reviewed publication as a postgraduate : 4
  • I am first author on one peer-reviewed publication as a postgraduate : 3
  • I am co-author in more than one peer-reviewed publication as a postgraduate : 2
  • I am co-author in one peer-reviewed publication as a postgraduate or I am an author of an undergraduate publication : 1
  • I have not published anything : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)

8. Presentations (excluding audit presentations)

  • I have presented at a regional, national or international meeting : 4
  • I have presented at a local meeting : 2
  • I have made a departmental presentation : 1
  • I have made no presentations : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)

9. Posters

  • I have achieved a poster at a regional, national or international meeting : 2
  • I have achieved a poster at a local or departmental meeting : 1
  • I have achieved no posters : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)

10. Self-Reflective Practice

  • Description of feedback and reflection – able to relate a relevant episode of reflection Articulate and confident description. Used the experience to reflect on an aspect of occupational medicine practice in the context of them preparing to work in the specialty : 4
  • Description of feedback and reflection – able to relate a relevant episode of reflection, merely reflecting on an aspect of occupational medicine practice, demonstrating how they made a change to their current practice : 2
  • Little evidence of feedback or reflection – limited awareness of the relationship between health and work : 1
  • No evidence of reflection : 0

Use the space provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 300) 

Prioritisation Task (2 of 2)

1. Prioritisation Task

As part of the application, we are asking you to prioritise a list of activities that a specialist in Occupational Medicine may face on a daily basis. Please note that you are asked to Rank each issue in the order in which you intend to deal with it. importantly you must also provide the justification of your prioritisation as well.


You are  a NHS consultant occupational health physician who works with a ST4 less than full time trainee (60%).Tomorrow is your last day of work for 2 weeks annual leave but the trainee is covering on her own in your absence with an experienced senior nurse. You are required to work through the in-tray and decide on the most appropriate action for each item and the priority that it should be given.

 Starting with the highest priority (number 1) to the lowest (number 8). Please number your entries -there can not be joint priorities.

  • Email from shift manager at the Local Authority you work for to say one of their gardeners posted a ‘goodbye message’ on face book and that he has reached the end of his life. The manager is asking you what needs to be done.
  • Letters to be dictated from last week’s clinic which over ran – about to breach KPI’s
  • one of your nurses needs to speak to you about a case of chicken pox in a chemotherapy nurse  
  • Reminder e-mail notification from your OM trainee that that their ARCP is due in 2 weeks and you have not completed the e-portfolio and educational supervisor report ready for submission  
  • Request from union rep to speak to you about an employee/union member you saw last week in your clinic. Why did you not support their ill health retirement application?
  • The Trust Chief Nurse needs to speak to you about the national concerns about exposure to Entonox for staff
  • A message from the local fire service lead with whom your service has a contract. There is a female fire officer, who witnessed several tragic incidents yesterday on duty involving a young family. Please phone today 
  • Your service outsourced some management referrals last month to a private provider for case management due to staffing issues. You have received several complaints from HR, that reports are too brief. You need to ring the lead for that provider to complain.

Please explain why you rank your list this way focusing on the two top and two bottom priority. (Words allowed: 500)