Respiratory Medicine ST4 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to Respiratory Medicine ST4 higher specialty training. These are the application form questions used for posts advertised in November 2024 with a start date from August 2025.
The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 

Supporting Information

Evidence (1 of 2)

1. Statements to support achievements

Before completing this page, you should complete the self-assessment section of the application form. Once complete, use the spaces below to provide information demonstrating why you chose each option on the self-assessment section.

Your statement, along with documentary evidence, must be able to confirm your choice was scored appropriately.

If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.

2. Postgraduate degrees and qualifications

Please include details of the qualification awarded, institution/awarding body and dates. Do not include qualifications you are currently undertaking but have not yet completed, or use this section for the MRCP(UK) or other similar membership examinations; MRCP(UK) parts completed should go in the separate section on the ‘Supporting information’ page. You cannot score for Intercalated degrees. (words allowed: 30)

Please provide the start and end date of the course and the whole-time equivalent duration (e.g. weeks, months, years)  (words allowed: 30)

Please describe the teaching methods used for this course and the approximate percentage of teacher contact time. (words allowed: 50)

3. Presentations/posters

In this section please provide details of the presentation and/or poster to justify your selection; refer to the PHST Recruitment website for full guidance.

How were you selected for this presentation/poster and, where appropriate, describe the eligibility criteria for selection?  (words allowed: 40)

What was the subject of the presentation/poster? Provide an overview of the content. (words allowed: 100)

Where was it shown and who was the audience? (words allowed: 30)

What was your role in the planning, design, preparation and delivery? (words allowed: 100)

4. Publications

Please provide details of the publication(s) which justify your selection, including a statement about your personal contribution to the work. Please specify if you are claiming on the basis of an abstract; detailed guidance about choosing the right option can be found on the PHST Recruitment website. (words allowed: 100)

Where applicable, please give full citation details (as in Pubmed (; failure to provide may result in any points being deducted where the scoring option requires Pubmed citation. In the case of medical books, please supply a link to a website which demonstrates the book has been published by an independent publishing house.

5. Teaching experience

Please provide details of your teaching experience, including details about the type of teaching, your personal contribution, details of any feedback obtained and how you have reflected on this; the PHST Recruitment website has guidance to help choose the right option.

What was your contribution to the organisation and design of the teaching programme? (words allowed: 75)

What was your contribution to the teaching? (e.g. sessions personally taught / teaching time). (words allowed: 50)

Was feedback gathered, how was this done and how have you reflected on this to develop your practice? (words allowed: 75)

6. Training in teaching

Please provide details of your training in teaching. Include details about the course provider, any qualification gained, start and end dates, the length of training and how the course was conducted. (words allowed: 75)

How was the course conducted and how much synchronous (live) teaching time was involved? (words allowed: 50)

7. Quality improvement

Please justify why you have assessed yourself against the option selected using the fields below. If you have been involved in a long-running multi-cycle project, you can only claim points based on the cycles in which you were directly involved. If your project has not yet completed a single cycle, you can only select the ‘none/other’ option. Remember that for projects which do not demonstrate use of QI methodology you should only select the ‘none/other’ option. See the PHST Recruitment website for full guidance.

What was the project and the intended aims? (words allowed: 50)

Describe your involvement in planning and describe the use of QI methodology in this project. Please confirm the number of cycles this project has completed and the number with which you have been personally involved. (words allowed: 100)

How was data collected and analysed and what was your role?  (words allowed: 50)

Describe your involvement in a change/act/action step and the change(s) brought about. (words allowed: 75)

If you were involved in presenting the project, please give details of where it was shown, the audience and your role.  (words allowed: 50)

Supporting (2 of 2)

1. MRCP (UK) or qualifying alternative

The MRCP(UK) is listed as a requirement on all higher medicine specialty person specifications. Some specialties allow examinations from alternative specialties, where this is the case, it will be specified in the person specification for that specialty.

It is mandatory for you to have already passed Part 1 of the MRCP(UK) to be eligible to apply. It is permissible to apply without subsequent parts of the examination, provided that it is possible to pass them by 15 April 2025.

In this round, the last diets of the MRCP(UK) which will be considered are:

  • Part 2 Written – 2024/04 
  • PACES – 2025/01 
There are two circumstances where candidates without a qualifying UK examination can be considered:

     – Eligibility for the specialist register in general medicine – to be eligible the GMC must have assessed their previous experience and confirmed eligibility for the specialist register in GIM at the time of application; usually confirmed by checking the GMC register. Evidence must be uploaded with your application or you will not be eligible.

     – Irish Basic Specialty Training (BST) in medicine – trainees who have fully completed the Irish BST programme in GIM, including the MRCPI examination, are eligible to apply. It is not necessary to be an Irish national to qualify. The MRCPI will not be accepted on its own without the accompanying programme. Where this has been completed by time of application, you will be required to upload evidence with this form.

If you are applying on this basis, please select ‘Non-UK alternatives’ from the options below.

Please visit the PHST Recruitment website for details about eligibility:

MRCP(UK) Part 1

Please select from the options below how you satisfy the requirement to have MRCP(UK) Part 1, or qualifying alternative. Alternative specialty examinations must be specifically referenced on the person specification for the specialty to which you are applying. If you are applying on the basis of non-UK alternatives, you will be required to load supporting evidence.

Select from:

  • MRCP(UK) Part 1
  • Alternative specialty first part examination detailed on the person specification (specify below)
  • Non-UK alternative

MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written

Please state whether you have completed MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written or a qualifying alternative. Alternative specialty examinations must be specifically referenced on the person specification for the specialty to which you are applying. If you are applying on the basis of non-UK alternative, you will be required to load supporting evidence

Select from:

  • MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written
  • Alternative specialty intermediate part examination detailed on the person specification (specify below)
  • Non-UK alternative
  • I have not passed a second part examination



Please state whether you have completed MRCP(UK) PACES or a qualifying alternative. Alternative specialty examinations must be specifically referenced on the person specification for the specialty to which you are applying. If you are applying on the basis of Non-UK alternative, you will be required to load supporting evidence.

Select from:

  • Alternative specialty final part examination detailed on the person specification (specify below)
  • Non-UK alternative
  • I have not passed a third part examination

2. Commitment to specialty

Some specialties will be reviewing and scoring commitment to specialty as part of the shortlisting process. Details about how this will be assessed are included in the application scoring section of the website

Confirmation of whether this specialty will be assessing commitment to specialty at this stage are included in the ‘Planning your application’ section of the specialty’s page of the PHST Recruitment website:

Commitment to specialty is a significant part of the interview for all specialties so, should you be invited, your answer will be reviewed and may be discussed at that stage. 

Explain in the space provided why you have applied for this specialty. (words allowed: 100)

What have you done to prepare for training in this specialty, detailing specific activities and experience that demonstrate your commitment? (words allowed: 100)

Please outline any specific skills or attributes that you possess that make you suitable for a career in this specialty. (words allowed: 100)

3. Additional Achievements

If you have any additional achievements to which you wish to draw attention that is not covered in previous sections, please use the space provided. For example: major prizes or awards or contributions to leadership and management. (words allowed: 100)

4. Training courses attended

In this section you can give details of training courses that you have attended. You can enter a maximum of four, although there is a text box available should you wish to add any additional course information you think particularly relevant.

Include in this section training courses you have attended which are most relevant to this programme.

Please note that entries you make in this section do not gain achievement points at the application stage but may be reviewed should you go on to attend interview.

Up to 4 courses can be included, for each course you must specify:

Enter the name of the course attended. (words allowed: 20)

Additional training course information

If you would like to add information about any additional training courses which you have attended which you think are particularly relevant and not mentioned above, please use the space provided. It is not mandatory to do this and recommended only to include courses which are most relevant. (words allowed: 100)

5. Mailing Preferences

In some cases, specialist societies would like to send those accepting an offer in their specialty information relevant to commencing training; eg details of an induction course. Your data will not be shared with them and information will be forwarded by the Physician Specialty Recruitment Office. 

If you accept an offer, do you consent to be sent information from the relevant specialist society? (Yes | No)

Membership to the physician royal colleges offers career support, on demand educational content, plus discounts on events and services, suitable for FY, IMT and ST grade doctors. They also represent the views of medical trainees with representatives and stakeholders throughout the UK, through a range of committees and networks.

Do you wish to be added to the mailing list and receive updates about membership?

  • Edinburgh/Glasgow/London
  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • London
  • Edinburgh/Glasgow
  • Edinburgh/London
  • Glasgow/London
  • I do not wish to be added to any education mailing lists

The three physicians royal colleges frequently run workshops and educational programmes (both online and in-person) which are suitable for FY, IMT  and ST grade doctors. 

Do you wish to be added to the mailing list and receive regular updates relating to these workshops and programmes? 

  • Edinburgh/Glasgow/London
  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • London
  • Edinburgh/Glasgow
  • Edinburgh/London
  • Glasgow/London
  • I do not wish to be added to any education mailing lists

If you choose to receive information from one or more of the three physicians royal colleges, you are opting in to receive contact from the relevant college(s) directly with reference to both of the above questions. The colleges are required by law to abide by strict data protection legislation and will not share your data with any third party until legally obliged to do so. 


When completing this section you must read the guidance on selecting options on the PHST Recruitment website, which includes the scoring framework for each area The guidance includes specific rules about what you can claim and in which section, however, please note the following major points: 

     – Evidence submitted after application period – you will be contacted soon after applications close with details about how to upload your evidence There is no need to supply your evidence at the time of application, although you can use this time to prepare them ready for upload; the anticipated dates each specialty will require you to load evidence are published on the ‘Interview dates & posts’ section of the specialty’s page on the website: The website contains some pointers on preparing evidence. 

     – Completed achievements only – you can only claim on the basis of achievements completed at point of submission of your application. 

     – Scores reviewed after submission – your application score will be reviewed prior to shortlisting based on the evidence that you submit; this could lead to your score being increased or reduced. However, you cannot amend this section after application should you have made a mistake on your application form, or gained an achievement after the submission of your application; although evidence verification may see your score uplifted if your evidence justifies a higher score. 

     – Score honestly – Evidence verifiers will be aware that it will not always be clear exactly which option to choose and so will not treat most cases of perceived over-claiming as a serious offence. The most likely outcome is that the score will be adjusted accordingly. However, any instances of candidates blatantly or persistently trying to gain an unfair advantage by over-claiming scores for and/or exaggerating their achievements will be taken extremely seriously.  

The questions below require you to select the most appropriate achievement from each section. The answers to these questions will make up the shortlisting score used to allocate candidates to interview. The ‘Evidence’ page of the website requires you to give supporting information to justify your selection.  

Unless specified otherwise on the website, all achievements should relate to the field of medicine (in its broadest sense – i.e. not just hospital medicine). 

Queries about which option to choose 

In addition to the guidance we also have some frequently asked questions which you may find helpful in completing this section:   

The single most common question we receive is from candidates unsure which options to choose when it appears unclear. Unfortunately, we are restricted in the guidance we can provide as completion of the form must be solely your own work, including choosing achievements from each list. 

The general advice we give here is to consider the options available, the guidance on the website and your experience/achievements in this area, and then use your professional judgement to select the most appropriate option. Subsequent to this, provide all additional information required within the form, so as to make a case as to why you have selected this particular option. Evidence verifiers are aware that the options do not always neatly describe a candidate’s achievements. However, you must be able to justify the option chosen and supply evidence when requested after applications close, so please ensure the achievement you choose is a fair representation of what you have done to the best of your knowledge and belief. 

Postgraduate degrees and qualifications

  • PhD or MD by research (can include non-medical related qualifications) : 4
  • Masters level degree eg MSc, MA, MRes, etc. (can include non-medical qualifications). Typically lasts 8 months or longer, full-time equivalent : 3
  • Other relevant postgraduate diploma or postgraduate certificate typically lasting between one and ten months (whole-time equivalent). You cannot claim for any membership examinations, or parts thereof, from within or outside the UK; this includes the MRCP(UK). Qualifications unrelated to medicine cannot be claimed for in this option. : 1
  • None/other: please specify : 0


  • I have passed both MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written and PACES or a stated alternative on the person specification : 8
  • I have passed MRCP(UK) PACES but not Part 2 Written or a stated alternative on the person specification : 6
  • I have passed MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written but not PACES or a stated alternative on the person specification : 2
  • I have not passed MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written or PACES or a stated alternative on the person specification : 0


  • An ORAL PRESENTATION in which I was a first or second author was given at a NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL medical meeting : 6
  • A POSTER in which I was a first or second author was given at a NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL medical meeting : 4
  • An ORAL PRESENTATION in which I was a first or second author was given at REGIONAL medical meeting : 3
  • An ORAL PRESENTATION in which I was a first or second author was given at LOCAL medical meeting : 2
  • A POSTER in which I was a first or second author was given at a REGIONAL OR LOCAL medical meeting : 2
  • none/other: please specify : 0


  • I am first author, joint-first author or corresponding author, of ONE OR MORE PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) : 8
  • I am co-author, of ONE OR MORE PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) : 6
  • I am first author, joint-first author, corresponding author or co-author of MORE THAN ONE PubMed-cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS (or in press) such as editorials, reviews, case reports, letters, etc : 5
  • I have written one or more chapters of a book related to medicine in its broadest sense (this does not include self-published books) : 5
  • I am first author, joint-first author, corresponding author or co-author of ONE PubMed-cited OTHER PUBLICATION (or in press) such as editorials, reviews, case reports, letters, etc : 3
  • I have published one or more abstracts, non peer-reviewed articles or published articles that are not PubMed-cited : 1
  • none/other: please specify : 0

Teaching experience

  • I have worked with local tutors to ORGANISE a teaching programme (a series of sessions) for healthcare professionals or medical students on which I REGULARLY TAUGHT over a period of APPROXIMATELY THREE MONTHS or longer. I have evidence of FORMAL FEEDACK : 5
  • I have provided REGULAR teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students, as part of a defined programme/course, over a period of APPROXIMATELY THREE MONTHS or longer. I have evidence of FORMAL FEEDBACK : 3
  • I have taught medical students or other healthcare professionals OCCASIONALLY. I have evidence of FORMAL FEEDBACK : 1
  • none/other: please specify : 0

Training in teaching

  • I have a higher qualification in teaching eg PG Cert or PG Diploma : 3
  • I have had training in teaching methods which is below the level of a PG Cert or PG Diploma : 1
  • I have had no training in teaching methods : 0

Quality improvement (QI)

  • Involvement in ALL ASPECTS of TWO CYCLES of an original QI project where you can demonstrate a leadership capacity by supervising other members of the team : 4
  • Involvement in ALL ASPECTS of TWO CYCLES of a QI project : 3
  • Participating in QI activity – this requires involvement in ONE ASPECT of a completed, MULTI-CYCLE QI project OR involvement in TWO OR MORE aspects of a SINGLE CYCLE QI project : 1
  • none/other: please specify : 0