Home » Specialty Training Application Form » Supporting Information and Self-Assessment » ST3/ST4 Specialties » Otolaryngology ST3
Supporting Information
1. Career Progression, CCT / CESR or Specialist Register
Do you already hold, or are you eligible to hold a CCT/CESR in Otolaryngology (ENT) or are you currently eligible for the specialist register in this specialty? (Yes | No)
2. Membership Examination
Candidates who are not expected to attain the full qualification in one of these 3 options by 5pm on Thursday 18 April 2024 will not be interviewed and expected to withdraw themselves from the process.
All candidates are required to evidence their attainment of the full qualification. Candidates holding the full qualification at the time of application must attach the form to the application before submission. Candidates expecting the results between application submission and 5pm on Thursday 18 April 2024 must upload the evidence onto their application as soon as they have it. Failure to do so will result in candidates being removed from the process
Which of the following do you currently hold (full qualifications only):
3. Additional Information
Would you like to opt in to receive email notifications of recommended Otolaryngology courses for ST3 level trainees e.g. Otolaryngology Bootcamp? (Yes | No)
Please note:-This is not a comprehensive service, only a limited number of emails containing details of specific courses will be sent, applicants should therefore continue to refer to existing sources of information regarding available courses.
Would you like to opt in to receive email notifications of locally advertised non training posts? (Yes | No)
Please note:-This is not a comprehensive service and only a limited number of emails will be sent, applicants should continue to refer to existing sources of information regarding available vacancies
1. Self-assessment guidelines for candidates
The 2024 National Otolaryngology (ENT) ST3 self-assessment scoring process will involve the prior publication of the scoring mechanism. Candidates will self-score as part of their application, and the verification of candidate’s self-assessment scores will occur between applications closing and the interview date. The process is outlined in more detail below with further details available in the 2024 National Otolaryngology (ENT) Handbook.
Candidates are initially requested to self-score their Portfolio submitting their scores together with supporting evidence via the Health Education England Online Portal. Validation of each candidate’s self-assessment scores will be performed by the Assessment Team. The candidate will be notified of any changes to their self-assessment score with an explanation for the changes. Candidates will be advised of the appeals process if they wish to contest their final score. The specific dates for each stage of this process will be published on the Otolaryngology(ENT) webpage.
Please note-
If a candidate’s portfolio is not provided in the specified format and evidence cannot be verified by the assessor during the allocated time, a score of zero will be awarded for that element of the portfolio.
Candidates considered to have provided documents that are inaccurate, falsified, or contain private or confidential patient details will have evidence taken and be referred to a Scrutiny Panel. The Scrutiny Panel will be conducted by Health Education England and the candidate will be offered an opportunity to explain their actions and provide supporting documentation. The result of the Scrutiny Panel may lead to one or more of, but not limited to, the following.
– Candidate removed from the current round of National ENT recruitment.
– Candidate being reported to the GMC.
– Candidates current Trust and/or LETB/Deanery being notified.
2. Time spent in recognised allied specialties
Evidence to upload:
Evidence of completion of training posts.
For non-training posts please provide a copy of the front page of your contract of employment which includes dates.
If the front page of your contract does not include both start and finish dates other evidence will be required to confirm duration of post e.g. Letter from HR/Head of Service/Supervising Consultant.
1) Time in recognised allied specialties. In the time since you completed your foundation training until the 7th August 2024 (2nd October 2024 for current core trainees in a scheme which finishes in October 2024) how many of the recognised specialties will you have spent 4 or more months in? (Pro rata for less than full time trainees (LTFT) i.e. if 60% LTFT = 6.7 months).
Accepted specialities: OMFS, Plastics, Paediatric surgery, Paediatrics, Neurosurgery, GP, Cardiothoracic surgery, Upper GI surgery, Ophthalmology, A+E, ITU, Audiovestibular medicine.
Must be main focus of post (i.e. not just covering on-calls).
Reconstructive elements within other specialties (e.g. Breast Surgery) do not count as plastics experience.
Employment must be continuous and locum work will generally not be accepted.
2) Time in ENT posts (after foundation training) In the time since you completed your foundation training until the 7th August 2024 ( 2nd October 2024 for current core trainees in a scheme which finishes in October 2024) how long will you have spent in ENT? (60% LTFT equivalent timings in brackets)
3.Postgraduate degrees and qualifications
EXCLUSIONS: MD (where basic medical degree is equivalent to MB BS) and MS (where not requiring completion of a thesis, or where thesis contributes < 50% marks).
Non-UK higher degrees should be stand-alone qualifications, not integral to primary medical qualification, with regulations equivalent to the relevant UK qualifications
Intercalated degrees do not count
3) How many of the following qualifications have you been awarded? Peer reviewed theses eg :- MPhil, PhD, MD, MCh, MS
Evidence to upload:
Copies of degree certificates
4) How many of the following qualifications do you have? Peer reviewed theses which have been submitted, but not yet awarded. eg :- MPhil, PhD, MCh, MD, MS.
Evidence to upload:
Evidence of thesis and submission
5) How many of the following qualifications do you have? MSc or equivalent. (Minimum 180 credits)
Evidence to upload:
Copies of degree certificates
4. Paper Publications
Journals must have an Impact Factor listed in the most up to date Web of Science list [Journal Impact Factor List 2021 – JCR, Web Of Science (PDF, XLS) – Journal Impact Factor (impactfactorforjournal.com)]
‘Formally accepted’ papers will be counted.
Books must have an ISBN number (books related to exam revision or interview preparation courses will not count).
NO publications may count in more than one category
6) Since leaving medical school, how many first author peer reviewed papers or first author book chapters have you had published?
Evidence to upload:
PMID number (or equivalent)
ISBN number
Acceptance letters for ‘formally accepted’ publications.
8) Since leaving medical school how many Non-peer reviewed / non-PMID paper or e-publications do you have?
Evidence to upload:
PDF of publication or hyperlink to e-publication
9) Peer reviewed publications before leaving medical school:
Evidence to upload:
PMID number (or equivalent)
ISBN number
Acceptance letters for ‘formally accepted’ publications
10) Published collaborative research
Must be part of a recognised collaborative group (eg Integrate)
Evidence to upload:
PMID number (or equivalent)
Acceptance letters for ‘formally accepted’ publications.
5. Audits
Audits will not be considered without a supporting, completed audit form and evidence of presentation.
Where max points in this category have been achieved additional 2 cycle audits can be considered as a ‘single cycle’ and as such used in 12
Audits of personal practice will be accepted at the discretion of the assessment panel and will be limited to one audit per candidate
Evidence to upload:
One audit form per audit, signed by the audit supervisor & stamped by the hospital. The forms are available on Oriel.
Evidence should also be provided that the audit has been presented (eg letter from audit department)
Where it is not possible to obtain a stamped audit form, the evidence must be supported by an email from the supervising consultant explicitly confirming the candidate’s role in the audit, number of loops completed and date of presentation.
11) Since leaving medical school, how many ‘closed loop’ audits (must include 2 cycles), on separate topics, where you were the primary auditor (i.e. initiated, designed and completed the audit) have you completed?
12) Since leaving medical school, how many single cycles of audit, on separate topics, where you were the primary auditor (ie initiated, designed and completed the audit) have you completed?
13) Since leaving medical school, how many single cycles of audit on separate topics where you were NOT the primary auditor have you completed?
6. Presentations (including audits) since medical school
Where maximum points have been achieved in 14, additional poster presentations may be considered as ‘regional’ and as such can be used in 15.
Examples of International / National meetings BACO, American Academy, IFOS, ERS, EUFOS, ORS, BRS, BAPO, ENTUK H&N, BLA, BSO, RSM, BAHNO, SOS, WORLA. Please note that local or regional meetings that occur abroad will not be recognised as an international meeting.
Examples of Regional Meetings, SWLA, SWEAM, North of England, MIO, Semon Club, Toynbee Club (after 2019).
Accepted presentations / posters that have not yet been given will not be counted.
The same project/paper cannot be used in more than one category.
Presentations must be original work (e.g. teaching presentations will not be accepted)
Equivalent online Meetings / Conferences will be considered at the discretion of the Assessment and Appeals Panels.
Evidence to upload:
Certificates for oral/poster presentations. No other evidence (eg presentation slides) will be accepted.
14) How many times have you given a 1st author poster presentation (including audits) at a national / international meeting, since medical school?
15) How many times have you given a 1st author poster presentation (including audits) at a regional meeting since medical school?
16) How many times have you given an 1st author oral presentation in person (including audits) at a national / international meeting since medical school?
17) How many times have you given an 1st author oral presentation in person (including audits) at a regional meeting since medical school?
(exclude ‘in house’ hospital meetings)
Where maximum points have been achieved in 16, additional oral presentations may be considered as ‘regional’ and as such can be used in 17.
18) First author presentation at Regional / National / International Meeting before leaving medical school:
7. Surgical logbook
‘Performed’ means coded P, S-TU, S-TS in the ISCP/E-Logbook.
Worked examples:
Evidence to upload:
ISCP / e-logbook summary sheet demonstrating cases and numbers.
19) How many times have you performed a Tonsillectomy
20) How many times have you performed Insertion of Grommets
21) How many times have you performed Reduction of fractured nose (GA or LA)
22) How many times have you performed Direct pharyngoscopy or direct laryngoscopy
23) How many times have you performed EUA and removal of foreign body (ear, nose or throat) under GA
24) How many times have you performed Cervical Lymph node biopsy
25) How many times have you performed Excision of skin lesion (H&N)?
26) How many times have you performed Drainage of Pinna Haematoma or suturing of pinna laceration?
27) How many times have you performed Nasal polypectomy?
8. Postgraduate Medical Teaching Experience / qualifications
28) Have you been involved in medical teaching / training delivery?
Online courses will be considered.
Supporting evidence to upload:
Signed letter of support from a consultant supervisor (or equivalent) clearly stating the nature and level of your involvement.
29) Do you have a qualification in medical education
MSc in education may score 2 points here if not already used in question 5.
Supporting evidence to upload:
Copy of certificate.
Specialty Applications
This site provides data and information on the medical and dental specialty training application process to help doctors and dentists plan their applications to speciality training posts in the UK.