Home » Specialty Training Application Form » Supporting Information and Self-Assessment » ST3/ST4 Specialties » Occupational Medicine (NI) ST3
Supporting Information
1. Supporting Information
Please advise if you have any of the following achievements that would be relevant to your application.
(Ticking the box will open up a table below, in which you should provide further information.)
2. Presentations and Publications
In this section please provide details of your most relevant publications in journals or presentations to local bodies, regional or national societies. Please state whether the presentation was oral or a poster. Please give full citation details of any published work (please provide PubMed link or alternative in your answer). Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work (e.g. first author, lead investigator)
If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.
Please provide details of your most relevant presentations and/or posters. Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work. Other than the option of being a significant contributor at a national or international meeting, it is a requirement that you deliver presentations yourself (or co-present) and for posters that you are available for questions/answers where it is shown. See the PHST Recruitment website (https://phstrecruitment.org.uk/recruitment-process/applying/application-scoring) for full guidance. This domain has additional guidance on the website should an activity have been disrupted due to COVID-19 (Words allowed: 300)
Please provide details of your most relevant publications. Please give full citation details (as in Pubmed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed)) of any published work and then give a statement about your personal contribution to the work. If adding details of an abstract, please add ‘(abstract)’ as a note. (Words allowed: 300)
3. Supporting information
Use the spaces below to provide information to demonstrate how you are suitable for a training post in this specialty. Please refer to both the essential and desirable criteria on the person specification as you complete the following sections.
If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.
Teaching Experience
Please provide details of your teaching experience. Please give full details about the type of teaching, your personal contribution, details of any feedback obtained and how you have reflected on this; the PHST Recruitment website (https://phstrecruitment.org.uk/recruitment-process/applying/application-scoring) has guidance to help choose the right option. This domain has additional guidance on the website should an activity have been disrupted due to COVID-19 (Words allowed: 250)
Training in Teaching
Please provide details of your training in teaching. Include details about: the course provider, any qualification gained, start and end dates, the length of training and how the course was conducted (Words allowed: 100)
Quality Improvement
Please provide details of your experience of quality improvement activities, providing details of your experience of quality improvement activities, giving titles and dates. What specifically was your contribution, what did the project show, how was it sustainable, was it presented or published? Remember that projects/audits which do not demonstrate use of QI methodology and repeated Plan Do Study Act cycles should be scored no more highly than the two point option; although it is permissible to claim for projects where you were only involved in one complete PDSA cycle, provided that additional cycles for that project were completed either before or subsequent to your work. See the PHST Recruitment website (https://phstrecruitment.org.uk/recruitment-process/applying/application-scoring) for full guidance. This domain has additional guidance on the website should an activity have been disrupted due to COVID-19 (Words allowed: 250)
Leadership / Management
Please provide details of your experience in leadership and management, specifying the: name of the organisation, nature and scope of your role, start and (if applicable) end date. You must also include details of the positive impact you were able to make. Roles must be subsequent to commencing your first undergraduate degree (ie this includes any degree undertaken prior to your primary medical qualification); See the PHST Recruitment website (https://phstrecruitment.org.uk/recruitment-process/applying/application-scoring) for full guidance. (Words allowed: 250)
4. MRCP(UK) or qualifying alternative
Applicants must demonstrate one of the following criteria to apply to medicine at ST3/ST4 level:
Please note the following regarding these rules:
Please visit the PHST Recruitment website for details about eligibility: https://phstrecruitment.org.uk/recruitment-process/am-i-eligible
Please select from the options below how you satisfy the requirement to have MRCP(UK), or qualifying alternative. Alternative specialty examinations must be specifically referenced on the person specification for the specialty to which you are applying.
If you are applying on the basis of an alternative specialty UK examination, please supply the name of the examination here:
5. Commitment to specialty
Your answers in this section will not contribute to your application score, but commitment to specialty is a significant part of the interview so, should you be invited, your answer will be reviewed and may be discussed at that stage
Explain in the space provided why you have applied for this specialty (Words allowed: 150)
Please outline any specific skills or attributes that you possess that make you suitable for a career in this specialty (Words allowed: 150)
Interests Outside Medicine
In this space please describe any other attributes or activities outside of the field of medicine that you feel may support your application. It is not mandatory to enter any information here but is recommended to refer to the person specification when considering information to include (Words allowed: 200)
6. NIMDTA Welcome Event
NIMDTA runs an annual Welcome Event for trainees new to Northern Ireland. This event is predominately aimed at doctors who have neither worked nor lived in Northern Ireland before. The course is designed to address some of the elements of life particular to Northern Ireland, both inside and outside medicine.
All new appointments are welcome; however we would appreciate if you could answer the questions below to indicate the range of trainees attending.
Do you identify yourself as someone New to Northern Ireland (N2NI)? (Yes | No)
i.e. If you don’t have enough experience of working or living in NI, then please answer yes.
Would you like to receive an invitation to NIMDTA’s New to Northern Ireland Welcome Event (Yes | No)
Occupational Medicine Self-assessment (1 of 2)
1. Occupational Medicine Self-assessment Please refer to the ‘Self-Assessment Guidance’ document for full guidance.
The questions below require you to select the most appropriate achievement from each section. The answers to these questions will make up the application score used to allocate candidates to interview.
– Completed achievements only – you can only claim on the basis of achievements completed at point of submission of your application.
– Scores not adjustable after submission – you cannot amend this section after application should you have made a mistake on your application form, or gained an achievement after the submission of your application.
The questions below require you to select the most appropriate achievement from each section. The answers to these questions will make up the application score used to allocate candidates to interview.
Unless specified otherwise on the website, all achievements should relate to the field of medicine (in its broadest sense – ie not just hospital medicine).
Queries about which option to choose
In addition to the guidance there are also some frequently asked questions which you may find helpful in completing this section available from: Occupational Medicine ST3 Self Assessment Guidance | Medical Hub (hee.nhs.uk)
The single most common question we receive is from candidates unsure which options to choose when it appears unclear. Unfortunately we are restricted in the guidance we can provide as completion of the form must be solely your own work, including choosing achievements from each list.
The general advice is to consider the options available, the guidance on the website and your experience/achievements in this area, and then use your professional judgement to select the highest available option you deem to be appropriate. Subsequent to this, provide all additional information required within the form, so as to make a case as to why you have selected this particular option.
Validation panels are aware that the options do not always neatly describe a candidate’s achievements and so can employ a degree of flexibility when reviewing forms. However, you must be able to upload evidence to Oriel that fully evidences your claims, so please ensure the achievement you choose is a fair representation of what you have done to the best of your knowledge and belief.
Postgraduate Medical Qualifications
Degree classifications – You will be required to justify your selected option on the application form as to why you deemed this the equivalent option; interviewers may ask you about this further at interview.
Please upload evidence here. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 250)
Prizes and Awards
Prizes and Awards , this may include , Original letter from Medical School, Original certificate
Please upload your Prizes/Awards evidence here.
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 100)
Evidence of a portfolio of audit/quality improvement projects, including where the audit loop has been closed and there is evidence of learning of the principles of change management
Evidence of a portfolio of audit/quality improvement projects, including where the audit loop has been closed and there is evidence of learning of the principles of change management
Please upload evidence of Audit/Quality improvements this may include , Copy of audit project, Presentation handouts for project, Audit Plan/synopsis
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 250)
Evidence of relevant academic and research achievements, and involvement in a formal research project
Relevant academic research achievements:
Examples of evidence could include the following – Original MD or other qualification certificate that requires a dissertation or thesis, Letter from research supervisor confirming your role, Copy of research project and clear explanation of your role
Please upload your evidence here.
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 250)
Please upload your evidence of teaching here. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf and can include, Original certificate for teaching qualification, Letter confirming attainment of teaching qualification, Letter confirming involvement in a teaching programme, Copy/copies of teaching completed and feedback received
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 250)
Academic Publications (undergraduate or postgraduate)
Academic Publications (undergraduate or postgraduate)
Please upload your academic publications evidence here. Copy of publication/s underlining your name. Do not include abstracts these will not be counted. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 250)
Presentations (excluding audit presentations)
Presentation (excluding audit presentations)
Please upload your Presentations evidence here. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf
Copy of presentation and copy of event programme
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option. (Words allowed: 250)
Please upload your Poster evidence here:
Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 250)
Self-Reflective Practice
Please upload your self-reflective practice evidence here. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Please explain why you chose this option (Words allowed: 300)
Evidence Index
Please upload your index page to help the validators navigate through your evidence. Index templates can be downloaded from the document library for this vacancy. Please list all evidence you have uploaded as part of this self-assessment in the order it will appear. The document should be named ‘00Index.pdf’.
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 1 documents(s)
Prioritisation (2 of 2)
Prioritisation task for Occupational Medicine Recruitment
Starting with the highest priority (number 1) to the lowest (number 8) please number your entries.
There cannot be joint priorities: [NB – Some of the statements appeared on Oriel incomplete, ending mid-sentence or mid-word.]
Please explain why you ranked your list this way focusing on the top two and bottom two priorities. (Words allowed: 500)
Specialty Applications
This site provides data and information on the medical and dental specialty training application process to help doctors and dentists plan their applications to speciality training posts in the UK.