Supporting Information
Evidence (1 of 2)
1. Please complete all parts of this section. If you do not have any evidence please enter ‘no evidence’. Do not leave a section blank.
Give details of any postgraduate medical qualifications / other degrees / diplomas / certificates (e.g. MD, MRCS etc). Please state which parts of the exam you have passed, and the date. For an MD please state whether this is linked to your primary medical qualification or the result of an independent research thesis. Please include here any relevant qualifications listed as desirable on the person specification.
For each qualification enter:
- Name
- Qualification
- Place of Study
- Grade/Honours
- Date Completed
Include in this section the most relevant training course to this speciality that you have attended and details of course that you are currently undertaking.
For each achievement enter:
- Name
- Course Title
- Training Provider
- Duration
- Date Completed
Supporting (2 of 2)
1. This page contains various sections in support of your application.
2. MRCP(UK) or qualifying alternative
The MRCP(UK) is listed as a requirement on the Clinical Oncology ST3 person specification.
It is mandatory for you to have already passed Part 1 of the MRCP(UK) to be eligible to apply. It is permissible to apply without subsequent parts of the examination, provided that it is possible to pass them by 15 April 2025.
In this round, the last diet in which it is possible to complete the MRCP (UK) is:
- Part 2 Written – 2024/04
- PACES – 2025/01
There are two circumstances where candidates without a qualifying UK examination can be considered:
– Eligibility for the specialist register in general medicine – to be eligible the GMC must have assessed their previous experience and confirmed eligibility for the specialist register in GIM at the time of application; usually confirmed by checking the GMC register. Evidence must be uploaded with your application or you will not be eligible.
– Irish Basic Specialty Training (BST) in medicine – trainees who have fully completed the Irish BST programme in GIM, including the MRCPI examination, are eligible to apply. It is not necessary to be an Irish national to qualify. The MRCPI will not be accepted on its own without the accompanying programme. Where this has been completed by time of application, you will be required to upload evidence with this form.
If you are applying on this basis, please select ‘Non-UK alternatives’ from the options below.
Please visit the PHST Recruitment website for details about eligibility:
MRCP(UK) Part 1
Please select from the options below how you satisfy the requirement to have MRCP(UK) Part 1, or qualifying alternative. If you are applying on the basis of non-UK alternatives, you will be required to load supporting evidence.
- MRCP(UK) Part 1
- Non-UK alternative
MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written
Please state whether you have completed MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written or a qualifying alternative. If you are applying on the basis of non-UK alternative, you will be required to load supporting evidence
- MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written
- Non-UK alternative
- I have not passed a second part examination
Please state whether you have completed MRCP(UK) PACES or a qualifying alternative. If you are applying on the basis of Non-UK alternative, you will be required to load supporting evidence.
- Non-UK alternative
- I have not passed a third part examination
3. Clinical knowledge and Experience
Please describe your previous experience in oncology, include practical procedures that you think are relevant to clinical oncology (Words allowed: 150)
4. Commitment to Specialty
Clinical Oncology is a demanding speciality. Please indicate the reason why you wish to follow this speciality for a career and describe the steps you have taken to demonstrate this commitment (Words allowed: 150)
1. Self-Assessment
Instructions for completion:
- This section needs to be completed whilst referencing the Self-Assessment Applicant guidance.
- To complete the form, read from the top downwards to select the option that best describes your experience; read through all the options first.
- Only award yourself one of the options/marks available from each of the sections.
- Use the spaces provided to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the achievement from the corresponding list above. Your statement, along with your evidence, will be checked by interviewers to confirm your choice was not over-scored. If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.
2. MRCP (UK)/Alternative
Non UK alternative training: If you are applying without the MRCP(UK), on the basis of having completed Irish Basic Specialty Training (BST) and the MRCPI, or you are eligible for the GMC specialist register in general internal medicine, you should select the top option if you have fully completed this at time of application. If you cannot demonstrate the full criterion at time of application, you cannot gain any points in this domain and must select the bottom option; this includes completion of the MRCPI without full sign off from Irish BST.
- I have passed both MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written and PACES or an acceptable alternative : 8
- I have passed MRCP(UK) PACES but not Part 2 Written : 6
- I have passed MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written but not PACES : 2
- I have not passed MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written or PACES : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 100)
Postgraduate degrees and qualifications
- PhD or MD by research (can include non-medical related qualifications) : 4
- Masters level degree e.g. MSc, MA, MRes, etc. (can include non-medical qualifications). Typically lasts 8 months or longer, full-time equivalent : 3
- Other relevant postgraduate diploma or postgraduate certificate typically lasting between one and ten months (whole-time equivalent). You cannot claim for the MRCP(UK), or parts thereof, in this section, or an alternative membership examination which is required for entry to the specialty (e.g. MRCPI) to which you are applying. Qualifications unrelated to medicine cannot be claimed for this option. : 1
- None : 0
Please include details of the qualification awarded, institution/awarding body and dates. Do not include qualifications you are currently undertaking but have not yet completed, or use this section for MRCP(UK) or other qualifying postgraduate exams listed on the person specification, these will have been in your application form.
If you have chosen Single-year (or equivalent) Postgraduate course, please explain the duration of the course and the whole time equivalent and the content of the course. If a dissertation was part of the course, what percentage of the overall mark did it contribute. (Words allowed: 100)
- I have given an oncology related oral presentation in which I was a first or second author at a national or international medical meeting : 8
- I have given a non-oncology related oral presentation in which I was a first or second author at a national or international medical meeting : 6
- I have shown an oncology related poster in which I was a first or second author at national or international medical meeting : 6
- I have shown a non-oncology related poster in which I was a first or second author at a national or international medical meeting : 4
- I have given an oral presentation in which I was a first or second author at a regional meeting : 4
- I have given a non-oncology related oral presentation in which I was a first or second author at a regional medical meeting : 3
- I have given an oncology related oral presentation in which I was a first or second author at a local medical meeting : 3
- I have shown an oncology related poster in which I was a first or second author at a regional or local medical meeting : 3
- I have given a non-oncology related oral presentation in which I was first or second author at a local meeting : 2
- I have shown a non-oncology related poster in which I was a first or second author at a regional local medical meeting : 2
- None : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 350)
- I am first author, joint-first author or corresponding author, of one or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press) related to oncology : 10
- I am first author, joint-first author or corresponding author, of one or more PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) : 8
- I am co-author of one or more PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) : 6
- I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as an editorial, review, case report, letter, etc, related to oncology : 6
- I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of more than one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as an editorial, review, case report, letter, etc : 5
- I have written one or more chapters of a book related to medicine in its broadest sense (this does not include self-published books) : 5
- I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as an editorial, review, case report, letter, etc : 3
- I have published one or more abstracts, non peer-reviewed articles or published articles that are not PubMed-cited : 1
- None : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above. Please provide details of your most relevant publications. Please give full citation details (as in Pubmed ( and, if possible, PMID number of any published work (Words allowed: 300)
Teaching Experience
- I have worked with local tutors to design and organise a teaching programme (a series of sessions) to enhance locally organised teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students. I have contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately three months or longer : 7
- I have organised a local teaching programme for healthcare professionals or medical students consisting of more than one session and contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately three months or longer : 6
- I have provided regular teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students over a period of approximately three months or longer : 4
- I have taught medical students or other healthcare professionals occasionally : 2
- None : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)
Training in teaching
- I have been awarded a 3 year masters level teaching qualification : 6
- I have a higher qualification in teaching eg PG Cert or PG Diploma : 5
- I have had substantial training in teaching methods lasting more than two days : 2
- I have had brief training in teaching methods lasting no more than two days : 1
- I have had no training in teaching methods : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 100)
Quality Improvement
- Involvement in all aspects of two cycles of an original QI project related to oncology where you can demonstrate a leadership capacity by supervising other members of the team : 8
- Involvement in all aspects of two cycles of an original QI project where you can demonstrate a leadership capacity by supervising other members of the team : 6
- Involvement in all aspects of two cycles of an oncology related QI project : 5
- Involvement in all aspects of two cycles of a QI project : 4
- Participating in QI activity – this requires Involvement in one aspect of a completed, multicycle QI project OR involvement in two or more aspects of a single cycle QI project : 1
- None : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)
Leadership and Management
- I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact : 8
- I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact : 8
- I hold/have held a regional leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact : 6
- I hold/have held a local leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact : 4
- I hold/have held a local/regional leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact : 4
- None : 0
Use the space below to provide information to demonstrate why you chose the score from the corresponding list above (Words allowed: 250)