Community Sexual and Reproductive Health ST1 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to ST1, CT1, ST3 and ST4 specialty training posts. 

The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 

Supporting Information

Evidence (1 of 2)
1. Additional undergraduate Degrees and Qualifications  
Please list any additional completed undergraduate qualifications with dates. Include intercalated BSc/equivalent degree here, if you have one.  Do not include details of your pre university school education/exam results.
For each qualification:
  • Qualification
  • Place of Study
  • Grade/Honours
  • Date completed
2. Postgraduate degrees and Qualifications 
Please give details of any completed postgraduate medical qualification/other degrees/diplomas/certificates (e.g MD, MRCP etc) Where a qualification is partly completed please state your exam status e.g MRCP (Part 1) etc For an MD please state whether this is linked to your primary medical qualification or the result of an independent research thesis.
Please include here any relevant qualifications listed as desirable on the person specification.
For each qualification:
  • Subject/Qualification
  • Place of Study
  • Grade/Result
  • Date completed
3. Additional Achievements – Prizes, Awards and Distinctions
Prizes awards and other distinctions (please include specialty and qualifying distinction).  Please indicate whether these were awarded to you as an undergraduate or postgraduate.
For each achievement:
  • Prize/Award/Distinction
  • Awarding Body
  • Date Awarded
4. Training Courses Attended 
Include in this section the most relevant training courses to this specialty that you have attended and details of courses that you are currently undertaking.  
Please include any Advanced Life Support or similar courses mentioned in the Person Specification.
For each course:
  • Course Title
  • Training Provided
  • Duration of Course
  • Date Completed
Supporting (2 of 2)
1. Achievements outside Medicine 
Please give details of outstanding achievements outside the field of medicine [Words allowed: 100]
2. Presentations and Publications 
In this section please provide details of your most relevant publications in journals or presentations to local bodies, regional or national societies.  
Please state whether the presentation was oral or a poster.  Please give full citation details of any published work (please provide PubMed link or alternative in your answer).  Please give a statements about your personal contribution to the work (e.g first author, lead investigator)
Presentations at a local level [Words allowed: 200]
Presentations at regional or national level [Words allowed: 200]
Publications in peer review journals [Words allowed: 200]
Other publications – conference extracts, etc [Words allowed: 200]
3. Specialty Interest  
Suitability for the specialty 
Describe how you believe you meet the person specification for the programme you are applying for. What particular skills and personal attributes do you have that make you suitable for a career in this specialty. [Words allowed: 450]
Commitment to the Specialty – Achievements and Activities
Please provide evidence of activities and achievements which demonstrate your commitment to a career in this specialty?  Which aspect of this specialty excites you the most and which may have led to the development of skills relevant to a career in this specialty? [Words allowed: 450]
4. Conscientious Objection Statement 
Conscientious Objection – Please ensure you have read the following statement before proceeding with an application.
Doctors who, for reasons of conscientious belief, have reservations about aspects of sexual and reproductive health care should take particular care to make a detailed study of the entire curriculum in CSRH before considering an application to the Specialty Training Programme.
We would draw attention to the fact that the only exemptions relating to conscientious objection permitted within the curriculum are within CiP 8.  Exemptions are permitted around participation in abortion only (in line with Section 4(1) of the 1967 Abortion Act). There are no exemptions to competencies relating to management of unplanned pregnancy, follow-up of women after abortion, nor to any knowledge components of the curriculum.
If potential candidates would like further advice on this matter they are encourage to contact the Specialty Development Officer ( at FSRH who will put them in contact with a Specialty Training Programme Director in their area for further assistance.