Home » Specialty Training Application Form » Supporting Information and Self-Assessment » ST3/ST4 Specialties » Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (NI) ST3
Supporting Information
1. Additional Undergraduate Degrees and Qualifications
Please include details of the qualification awarded, institution/awarding body and dates. Include intercalated BSc/ equivalent degree here, if you have one. Do not include details of your pre university school education/ exam results.
For each qualification enter:
2. Postgraduate Degrees and Qualifications
Please give details of any completed postgraduate medical qualifications/ other degrees/ diplomas/ certificates. Where a qualification is partly completed please state your exam status. For an MD please state whether this is linked to your primary medical qualification or the result of an independent research thesis. Please include here any relevant qualifications listed as desirable on the person specification.
For each qualification enter:
3. Additional Achievements – Prizes, Awards and Distinctions
Prizes, awards and other distinctions (please include specialty and qualifying distinction). Please indicate whether these were awarded to you as an undergraduate or postgraduate.
For each prize/award/distinction enter:
4. MRCS (& DOHNS) Progression
Please provide details on your MRCS examination status. Please also provide details of any progress made with the DO-HNS examinations if relevant to your application.
To be eligible for this vacancy, successful completion of MRCS (and DOHNS if applying to ENT) is required by date in application.
Please state whether you have completed MRCS Part A
Please state whether you have completed MRCS Part B
Please state whether you have completed the DOHNS or DipEBORL part 1 examination
Diploma of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DOHNS)
Diploma of the European Board of Otorhinolaryngology (DipEBORL)
Please state whether you have completed the DOHNS or DipEBORL part 2 examination
5. Presentations and Publications
In this section please provide details of your most relevant publications in journals or presentations to local bodies, regional or national societies. Please state whether the presentation was oral or a poster. Please give full citation details of any published work (please provide PubMed link or alternative in your answer). Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work (e.g. first author, lead investigator)
If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.
Presentations at regional or national level (Words allowed: 200)
Presentations at local level (Words allowed: 200)
Publications in peer reviewed journals (Words allowed: 200)
Other publications – conference extracts etc. (Words allowed: 200)
6. Supporting information
Use the spaces below to provide information to demonstrate how you are suitable for a training post in this specialty. Please refer to both the essential and desirable criteria on the person specification as you complete the following sections.
If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.
Teaching Experience
Please provide details of your teaching experience. Please give full details about the type of teaching, your personal contribution, details of any feedback obtained and how you have reflected on this. (Words allowed: 250)
Training in Teaching
Please provide details of your training in teaching. Include details about: the course provider, any qualification gained, start and end dates, the length of training and how the course was conducted (Words allowed: 100)
Quality Improvement
Please provide details of your experience of quality improvement activities, providing details of your experience of quality improvement activities, giving titles and dates. What specifically was your contribution, what did the project show, how was it sustainable, was it presented or published. (Words allowed: 250)
Leadership / Management
Please provide details of your experience in leadership and management, specifying the: name of the organisation, nature and scope of your role, start and (if applicable) end date. You must also include details of the positive impact you were able to make. Roles must be subsequent to commencing your first undergraduate degree (ie this includes any degree undertaken prior to your primary medical qualification) (Words allowed: 250)
Skills and Attributes
Describe how you believe you meet the person specification for the programme you are applying for. Include the particular skills and attributes that make you suitable for a career in this specialty. (Words allowed: 250)
Commitment to specialty
Please provide evidence of activities and achievements which demonstrate your commitment to a career in this specialty and/or have led to the development of skills relevant to career in this specialty (Words allowed: 200)
Achievement outside Medicine
In this space please describe any other attributes or activities outside of the field of medicine that you feel may support your application. It is not mandatory to enter any information here but is recommended to refer to the person specification when considering information to include. (Words allowed: 150)
Research Skills
Please give brief details of all research projects, and/or relevant research experience that you have undertaken or are undertaking, including methods used. Indicate your level of involvement and your exact role in the research team detailing when this took place, your time commitment, your contribution/involvement and source of funding. If you have been awarded a higher degree as a result of research, this must be detailed additionally in the appropriate section above. Detail your academic career plans, if applicable. (Words allowed: 300)
Please describe in more detail one of the research projects above. (Words allowed: 300)
7. NIMDTA Welcome Event
NIMDTA runs an annual Welcome Event for trainees new to Northern Ireland. This event is predominately aimed at doctors who have neither worked nor lived in Northern Ireland before. The course is designed to address some of the elements of life particular to Northern Ireland, both inside and outside medicine.
All new appointments are welcome; however we would appreciate if you could answer the questions below to indicate the range of trainees attending.
Do you identify yourself as someone New to Northern Ireland (N2NI)? (Yes | No)
i.e. If you don’t have enough experience of working or living in NI, then please answer yes.
Would you like to receive an invitation to NIMDTA’s New to Northern Ireland Welcome Event (Yes | No)
ST3 Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Self-Assessment
The questions below require you to select the most appropriate achievement from each section. The answers to these questions will make up the application score used to allocate candidates to interview.
Domain 1 – T&O Specific Course Experience
At the time of application, how many Trauma & Orthopaedic specific courses have you attended?
(e.g. arthroscopy/arthroplasty/AO/BOA/Hand Instructional)
(Not including ATLS, CcRISP, BSS, ALS)
Domain 2 – Operative Experience
Please specify your operative experience (STS, STU, P) in the immediate past 36 months in the following procedures
Operative Experience
Dynamic Hip Screw / IM nail for fracture neck of femur
Hip Hemiarthroplasty
ORIF Ankle
PBA Level 3B or above (for above procedures)
Please upload your Procedures evidence here. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf and named ‘02Procedure’
Provide validated evidence of logbook numbers (STS, STU, and P only) and PBA level for the procedures for the previous 36 months only.
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Domain 3 – Academic Achievement
At the time of application, how many FIRST author publications have you had published in any PubMed indexed journals?
Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips.
Evidence must include PMID number for each publication.
At the time of application, how many other publications have you had published in any PubMed indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips.
Domain 4 – Presentations
At the time of application, and since graduation as a doctor, how many national and international presentations (including virtual presentations) have been given in which you are a listed author? Poster Presentations can be included.
Domain 5 – Audits
At the time of application how many audits against a published standard or quality improvement projects have you undertaken which have resulted in presentation of the results?
Domain 6 – Higher UK Postgraduate Degree
At the time of application, have you completed and been awarded a stand-alone UK higher degree or equivalent examined by thesis/dissertation? (NB: This does not include intercalated degrees.)
i.e. MPhil/MD/PhD/Masters
Must be examined by thesis or dissertation.
Domain 7 – Time in Specialty
By the end of July 2024, how many months will you have spent in total in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery in any foundation job in any country? (Please do not include any other posts)
Please do not include any other posts.
Please upload your Trauma & Orthopaedic Experience evidence here. Your evidence should be combined into 1 pdf and named ‘07TOExp’
Please provide evidence of completion of training posts
For non-training posts please provide a copy of the front page of your contract of employment which includes dates
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 5 documents(s)
Domain 8 – Evidence of Teaching
Consider and evidence the teaching activities that you have been involved in?
Domain 9 Evidence of Management
Consider and evidence the leadership or management activities that you have been involved in.
Evidence Index
Please upload your index page to help the validators navigate through your evidence. Index templates can be downloaded from the document library for this vacancy. Please list all evidence you have uploaded as part of this self-assessment in the order it will appear. The document should be named ‘00Index.pdf’.
Upload a new document OR Select document from repository
You can attach a maximum of 1 documents(s)
Specialty Applications
This site provides data and information on the medical and dental specialty training application process to help doctors and dentists plan their applications to speciality training posts in the UK.