Home » Specialty Training Application Form » Supporting Information and Self-Assessment » ST3/ST4 Specialties » Forensic Histopathology (Scotland) ST3
Supporting Information
1. Achievements Outside of Medicine
Please give details of any additional extracurricular activities or achievements outside the field of medicine that you feel are relevant to a career in Forensic Histopathology. (Words allowed: 250)
2. Presentations and Publications
In this section please provide details of your most relevant publications in journals or presentations to regional, national or international societies. Please state whether the presentation was oral or a poster. Please give full citation details of any published work (please provide PubMed link or alternative in your answer). Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work (e.g. first author, lead investigator etc.).
Presentations at international, national or regional (not local) meetings. Maximum 2 presentations (oral or poster). (Words allowed: 150)
Publications in peer-reviewed journals (maximum 3 publications). Do not include case reports or abstracts.(Words allowed: 150)
Other publications (case reports etc. but not abstracts or letters) Maximum 2 publications. (Words allowed: 150)
3. Teaching, Audit and Research
In this section please provide details of teaching, clinical audit experience and research. Please give full details including a statement about your personal contribution to the audit work.
Teaching Experience
What experience do you have of delivering teaching? Have you undertaken a teaching skills course or a formal qualification in teaching? (Words allowed: 200)
Research Skills
a) Please give brief details of all research projects and/or relevant research experience that you have undertaken or are undertaking, including methods used. Indicate your level of involvement and your exact role in the research team detailing when this took place, your time commitment, your contribution / involvement and source of funding. If you have been awarded a higher degree as a result of research, this must be detailed in the appropriate section of your application form. Please provide details your academic career plans, if applicable. (Words allowed: 300)
b) Please describe in more detail one of the research projects above. (Words allowed: 300)
Clinical Audit
What experience of clinical audit do you have? Please state clearly where and when this was undertaken and state specifically your role in each of the projects. (Words allowed: 200)
4. Commitment to Specialty
Management, Leadership, Teamworking and Communication Skills
Describe any management roles you have been involved in at work (rota organiser, committee etc) or outside of medicine. (Words allowed: 150)
Achievements and Activities
Please provide evidence of activities and achievements which demonstrate your commitment to a career in this specialty and / or have led to the development of skills relevant to a career in the specialty. (Words allowed: 250)
Clinical Knowledge and Experience
Please give details of your clinical knowledge and experience. Do NOT list numbers of specific procedures. Please note: Assessment of ST3 applicants is based on generic skills; previous experience in Forensic Histopathology is NOT required. (Words allowed: 250)
Commitment to This Training Programme
What are your reasons for applying to this training programme? (Words allowed: 150)
5. FRCPath
FRCPath Part 1 date passed:
If you have not passed FRCPath Part 1, have you enrolled for the next sitting of the exam? (Yes | No)
FRCPath Part 2 date passed:
Specialty Applications
This site provides data and information on the medical and dental specialty training application process to help doctors and dentists plan their applications to speciality training posts in the UK.