Home » Specialty Training Application Form » Supporting Information and Self-Assessment » ST3/ST4 Specialties » Diagnostic Neuropathology ST3
Supporting Information
FRCPath exam
Do you have FRCPath Part 1? (Yes | No)
Please give details of any completed postgraduate medical qualifications/ other degrees/ diplomas/ certificates (e.g. MD, etc.).
For a MD please state whether this is linked to your primary medical qualification or the result of an independent research thesis. Please include here any relevant qualifications listed as desirable on the person specification. (Words allowed: 200)
Please indicate whether you have you got evidence of one of the following competences?
Please give details of any completed postgraduate medical qualifications/ other degrees/ diplomas/ certificates (e.g. MD, etc.).
For a MD please state whether this is linked to your primary medical qualification or the result of an independent research thesis. Please include here any relevant qualifications listed as desirable on the person specification. (Words allowed: 200)
Have you completed the following?
Completion of at least 2.5 years training in general Histopathology, including Autopsy work by advertised post start date date (or alternatively Stage A and B Histopathology training completed as per old curriculum) (Yes | No)
1. Please give details of your relevant clinical experience, including the particular skills and attributes that make you suitable for a career in this specialty. (Words allowed: 200)
2. Please provide evidence of activities and achievements which demonstrate your commitment to a career in this specialty and/or which have led to the development of skills relevant to a career in this specialty. (Words allowed: 200)
3. Give details of outstanding achievements outside the field of medicine. Where possible, please specify why any such achievements might be relevant to your application. (Words allowed: 100)
1. What experience of clinical governance do you have (including audit and quality improvement)? Please state clearly where and when this was undertaken and indicate specifically your role. Please give full details including a statement about your personal contribution to the work. (Words allowed: 200)
2. What experience do you have of delivering teaching? Have you undertaken a teaching skills course or a formal qualification in teaching. (Words allowed: 200)
1. Please provide evidence of activities and achievements which demonstrate your skills in the above, relevant to a career in the specialty. (Words allowed: 200)
1. Additional achievements: Prizes, awards and other distinctions (include specialty and qualifying distinction). Please state awarding body, date of award and any relevant additional information. (Words allowed: 250)
2. Please provide details of your most relevant presentations at national or international bodies or societies. Please state whether the presentation was oral or a poster. (Words allowed: 200)
3. Please provide details of your most relevant publications in peer reviewed journals. Please give full citation details of any published work. Please replace your name with asterix (xxxx) in the citation. Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work (e.g. first author; lead investigator). Short-listed candidates will be asked to bring copies of all peer-reviewed publications to interview. (Words allowed: 200)
4. Please provide evidence of research whether past or in progress. If you have undertaken or are undertaking a research project, please give details and indicate your involvement. (Words allowed: 250)
7. 2025 Recruitment Application Declaration
In addition to the declarations you will make on that section of the application form, all applicants for this specialty are required to sign up to an additional declaration which focuses on:
It is very important that you review the declaration before giving your consent and then again, prior to interview, should you accept an invitation of an interview.
I confirm my acceptance of the 2025 Recruitment Applicant Declaration that I have understood and agree to adhere to its contents. [Tickbox]
Specialty Applications
This site provides data and information on the medical and dental specialty training application process to help doctors and dentists plan their applications to speciality training posts in the UK.