Home » Specialty Training Application Form » Application Form Part 2
These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to ST1, CT1, ST3 and ST4 specialty training posts.
1. Data Protection Act 2018
The Data Protection Act 2018 requires us to provide you with certain information and to obtain your consent before processing sensitive data about you. Processing includes: obtaining, recording, holding, disclosing, destruction and retaining information. Sensitive personal data includes any of the following information: criminal offences, criminal convictions, criminal proceedings, disposal or sentence.
The information that you provide in this Declaration Form will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. It will be used for the purpose of determining your application for this position. It will also be used for purposes of enquiries in relation to the prevention and detection of fraud in the interest of patient safety.
This Declaration Form and any information provided relating to a positive declaration will be kept securely and in confidence, and access to it will be restricted to designated persons within the recruiting organisation and other persons who need to see it as part of the selection process and who are authorised to do so. If successfully appointed to a training post, this information may be passed to designated persons in your first or lead employing organisation and any organisations through which you rotate.
2. Fitness to practise
It is vitally important that you read, understand and answer the questions asked in this section by ticking each box. Please read the notes below carefully before completing this part of the form. If you require further information, please contact the recruiting organisation that you are applying to. All enquiries will be treated in strict confidence.
We aim to promote equality of opportunity and are committed to treating all applicants for positions fairly and on merit regardless of race, gender, marital status, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age. We undertake not to discriminate unfairly against applicants on the basis of criminal conviction or other information declared.
The position you have applied for has been identified as a regulated activity within the terms of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act (2012) and is eligible for an enhanced criminal records check (Access NI in Northern Ireland, Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) in Scotland) under the provisions of the Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) Regulations (as amended). The enhanced criminal record check will, where appropriate to the role, also include any information which may be held against the barred lists for working with children and / or adults.
Before you can be considered for appointment in a position of trust as a trainee in this position we need to be satisfied about your character and suitability.
The position you have applied for is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This means that you must declare all criminal convictions, including those that would otherwise be considered ‘spent’, under this Act, unless they are considered protected.
Answering ‘yes’ to any of the questions below will not necessarily bar you from an appointment. This will depend on the nature of the position for which you are applying and the particular circumstances.
Prior to making a final decision concerning your application, we shall discuss with you any information declared by you that we believe may have a bearing on your suitability for the position. If we do not raise this information with you, this is because we do not believe that it should be taken into account. You still remain free, should you wish to discuss the matter with the interviewing panel. As part of assessing your application, we will only take into account relevant criminal record and other information declared.
Please answer the following questions. If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, you will need to complete the FTP declaration form found on the national specialty training website. Please submit this form via e-mail to the lead recruiter’s confidential fitness to practise e-mail address (details can be found on the recruitment leads page) Please mark the email “CONFIDENTIAL”. Emails should be received by no later than the submission deadline for applications.
If you would like to discuss what effect any previous convictions, police investigations or fitness to practise proceedings taken or being taken either in the UK or by an overseas licensing or regulatory body might have on your application, please contact the lead recruiter (details can be found on the recruitment leads page).
Where you have a Fitness to Practise declaration as a result of a health issue, please contact the recruitment lead for a confidential discussion to determine the level of detail that you need to provide.
1. Are you currently bound over, or do you have any convictions or cautions (including warnings and reprimands) which are not deemed ‘protected’ under the amendment to the Exceptions Order 1975, issued by a Court or Court-Martial in the United Kingdom or in any other country? You do not need to tell us about parking offences, or fixed penalty notices but other driving offences must be declared. [Yes/No]
2. Have you been charged with any offence in the United Kingdom or in any other country that has not yet been disposed of? [Yes/No]
Please note:
You are reminded that you have a continuing responsibility to declare any new criminal convictions, police investigations or fitness to practise proceedings that arise after application submission.
Where recruitment is ongoing, you should inform the recruitment office. After an offer has been made, you should notify the appointing region. Once in a training post or programme, you should inform your employer(s) and the Postgraduate Dean.
You do not need to tell us about parking offences, or, fixed penalty notices but other driving offences must be declared.
3. Are you aware of any current NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service (CFSMS) investigation following allegations made against you? [Yes/No]
4. Have you been investigated by the Police, NHS CFSMS or any other Investigatory Body resulting in a current conviction or dismissal from your employment or volunteering position? [Yes/No]
Investigatory bodies include: Local Authorities, Customs and Excise, Immigration, Passport Agency, Inland Revenue, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, Department of Work and Pensions, Security Agencies, Financial Service Authority, or any successor bodies to the above. Note: This list is not exhaustive and you must declare any investigation conducted by an Investigatory Body.
5. Have you ever been dismissed by reason of misconduct from any employment, volunteering, office or other position previously held by you? [Yes/No]
6. Have you ever been disqualified from the practice of a profession or required to practise subject to specified limitations / conditions / warnings following fitness to practise proceedings by a regulatory or licensing body in the United Kingdom or in any other country? [Yes/No]
7. Are you currently the subject of any investigation or fitness to practise proceeding by any licensing or regulatory body in the United Kingdom or any other country? [Yes/No]
8. Are you subject to any other prohibition, limitation, or restriction that means we are unable to consider you for any position for which you are applying? [Yes/No]
9. Do you know of any other matters in your background which might cause your reliability or suitability for employment to be called into question? [Yes/No]
If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, you will need to complete the FTP declaration form found on the national specialty training website. Please submit this form via e-mail to the lead recruiter’s confidential fitness to practise e-mail address (details can be found on the recruitment leads page). Please mark the email “CONFIDENTIAL”. Emails should be received by no later than the submission deadline for applications.
A list of FTP email addresses is available in the applicant guidance. They can also be found on the Recruitment Leads page on Oriel for each Recruitment Office.
1. Entry qualification
Please give details of your primary medical qualification
Qualification [Dropdown list]
Entry date medical school / university
Date of qualification
Medical school / University [Dropdown list]
Medical school / University address line 1 [Characters allowed: 128]
Address line 2 [Characters allowed: 128]
Address line 3 [Characters allowed: 128]
Postcode [Characters allowed: 20]
Country of primary medical education [Dropdown list]
Recommended contact for academic/educational reference [Characters allowed: 128]
Your future employer may need to request an academic/educational reference from your medical school if you graduated less than three years ago. This information will not be requested until after you have been made a conditional offer of employment.
Telephone number [Characters allowed: 128]
Contact email address for academic/educational reference [Characters allowed: 128]
2. Entry qualification – applicants to Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery only
Please give details of your primary dental qualification
Qualification [Dropdown list]
Date of qualification
Dental school/university [Dropdown list]
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post code
Country of primary dental education [Dropdown list]
3. Accreditation of transferable capabilities
If successful in your application to this specialty, would you be interested in accrediting transferable capabilities? [Yes/No]
This is only possible between UK training programmes. See specialty specific guidance for further information.
Please note, accreditation of transferable capabilities needs to be applied for separately through the area/region where you accept a training programme.
1. Confirmation
I have met/or am expecting to meet the essential entry criteria as set out in the person specification for the specialty and entry level to which I am applying, including, where necessary the acquisition of the relevant competences and college memberships. [Tick box]
I confirm that my data may be used anonymously for research and evaluation purposes in particular for the continued development of national application processes and shared with the GMC and Royal Colleges for this purpose. [Tick box]
I confirm that I understand the implications if I do not complete this application form correctly. [Tick box]
I have read the guidance for this specialty/application and understand the specialty entry requirements for the training programme I have chosen. See Applicant Guide. [Tick box]
Important: The Data Protection Act 2018 requires us to advise you that we will be processing your personal data. Processing includes: holding, obtaining, recording, using, sharing and deleting information. The Data Protection Act 2018 defines ‘sensitive personal data’ as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, criminal offences, criminal convictions, criminal proceedings, disposal or sentence.
The information that you provide in this Application Form will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. It will be used for the purpose of determining your application for this position. It will also be used for purposes of enquiries in relation to the prevention and detection of fraud.
Once a decision has been made concerning your appointment, the recruiting organisation will not retain this declaration for any longer than is necessary. This declaration will be kept securely and in confidence. Access to this information will be restricted to designated persons within the trust / employing organisation who are authorised to view it as a necessary part of their work.
Declaration 1: I declare that the information I have given in support of my application, including information supplied on this form and any attached appendices, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true and complete. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, or that I have withheld relevant information, particularly on criminal convictions and/or fitness to practise and/or have breached the Confidentiality: good practice in handling patient information (2017) stipulated by the General Medical Council/General Dental Council/any other licensing or regulatory body of which I am a member, my application may be disqualified. If I have already been appointed, I understand that I may be dismissed and I may be reported to the General Medical Council/General Dental Council or any other licensing/regulatory body of which I am a member.
Declaration 2: I declare that my answers to the questions on this form, any attached appendices and any other application forms required by Deaneries/NHS England recruitment offices are my own work and are not copied or reproduced from any other sources. I understand that if any of my answers are discovered not to be original, my application may be disqualified.
Declaration 3: Where applying for medical posts, I am aware that Good Medical Practice states that if I formally accept a post I must not withdraw unless the employer has time to make other arrangements. I understand that failure to comply with this requirement may result in a complaint being made against me to the GMC.
Declaration 4: I understand that if I am allocated to a training opportunity, any subsequent contract of employment will be subject to satisfactory pre-employment checks and subject to a condition that the information provided on the application form or any related documents is correct. I also understand that pre-employment checks will be carried out to review and confirm the details of my application.
Declaration 5: I understand that employment offered in this training programme is subject to satisfactory medical clearance which may include a medical examination and/or blood tests. Where applying for a medical post, I am aware of the GMC guidance on Gateways to the profession explaining how health and disability issues should be handled by education and training providers.
Declaration 6: I understand that if recommended for training I will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (previously known as CRB), Access NI in Northern Ireland, or the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) in Scotland. I am aware that I must inform the National Recruitment Office/Deanery/NHS England recruitment office of any new criminal convictions, police investigations or fitness to practise proceedings that arise after the completion of this application form.
Declaration 7: I have read and understand the Privacy Notice and understand that my Personal and Sensitive Personal Data will be processed in the manner set out in this Notice.
Declaration 8: I confirm that if there is a change in my training status once I have submitted my application (i.e. removal of training number, interdeanery transfer etc), which would significantly affect the content of my application form, I will inform the Lead Recruiter for the training programme. Failure to disclose such changes could lead to the withdrawal of any training offer.
Declaration 9: I have read in full and confirm the acceptance of the 2025 Medical recruitment applicant declaration.
I agree to the above declarations [Tick box]
Specialty Applications
This site provides data and information on the medical and dental specialty training application process to help doctors and dentists plan their applications to speciality training posts in the UK.