Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ST1 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to ST1, CT1, ST3 and ST4 specialty training posts. 

The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 


Self-Assessment – Page 1 (1 of 2)

1. Self-Assessment
When completing this section you must read the guidance on selecting options.  The guidance can be found under ‘Links’ tab within Oriel or on the Recruitment website.  The guidance includes specific details about what you can claim and in which section, however, please note the following major points: 
Evidence submitted after application period – you will be contacted soon after applications close with details about how to upload your evidence. There is no need to supply your evidence at the time of application, although you can use this time to prepare them ready for upload.
Completed achievements only – you can only claim on the basis of achievements completed at point of submission of your application. 
The questions below require you to select the most appropriate achievement from each section.
Queries about which option to choose 
The single most common question we receive is from candidates unsure which options to choose when it appears unclear.
Unfortunately, we are restricted in the guidance we can provide as completion of the form must be solely your own work, including choosing achievements from each list. 
The general advice we give here is to consider the options available, the guidance on the website and your experience/achievements in this area, and then use your professional judgement to select the most appropriate option
Commitment to Surgery & OMFS
MFDS Examination: choose one of the following options
  • I have sat and passed the MFDS/FFD Part 2 Examination
  • I have sat and passed the MFDS/FFD Part 1 Examination
  • I have not sat MFDS/FFD Part 2 Examination
Attendance at NON OMFS surgical courses: choose one of the following options
  • I have attended 5 or more non OMFS surgical courses
  • I have attended 2-4 non OMFS surgical courses
  • I have attended 1 non OMFS surgical courses
  • I have not attended any non
OMFS surgical courses
Attendance at OMFS surgical courses: choose one of the following options
  • I have attended OMFS surgical courses
  • I have not attended OMFS surgical courses
OMFS Surgical experience: choose one of the following options
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in over 75 OMFS surgical cases or more 
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in over >50 <75 OMFS surgical cases 
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in over >25 <50 OMFS surgical cases 
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in over [sic] [This should read under?!] <25 OMFS surgical cases 
  • I have a log book recording involvement in OMFS surgical cases but procedures are not validated 
  • I do not have a surgical log book with OMFS procedures in it
Surgical Experience: choose one of the following options
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in 40 or more surgical cases in total in multiple specialties other than OMFS
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in 40 or more surgical cases in total in 1 specialty other than OMFS
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in >20 <40 surgical cases in total in multiple specialties other than OMFS
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in >20 <40 surgical cases in total in 1 specialty other than OMFS
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in >10 <20 surgical cases in total in multiple specialties other than OMFS
  • I have a validated log book recording involvement in <10 surgical cases in total in specialtie(s) other than OMFS
  • I have a non validated log book recording involvement in surgical cases in specialtie(s) other than OMFS
  • I do not have a surgical log book recording involvement in surgical cases in specialtie(s) other than OMFS
OMFS educational activity and links to specialty – In this section you can claim points for each option you may have undertaken e.g. if you have an elective and for e.g. done clinical work call you can claim 2 or 3 points etc, if you are a member of BAOMSS involved in mentorship and have bursaries you can claim points for each.
  • I have undertaken an OMFS elective subsequent to my primary undergraduate medical or dental degree
  • I have undertaken on call OMFS clinical work subsequent to my primary undergraduate medical or dental degree
  • I have undertaken non on call OMFS clinical work subsequent to my primary undergraduate medical or dental degree
  • I am a member of BAOMS
  • I am a member of BAOMS and registered with groups within BAOMS supporting aspirant OMFS trainees
  • I have applied for and been awarded and completed 3 BAOMS second degree bursary projects
  • I have applied for and been awarded and completed 2 BAOMS second degree bursary projects
  • I have applied for and been awarded and completed a BAOMS second degree bursary project
  • I have applied for and been awarded but not yet completed a BAOMS second degree bursary project
  • None of the above
Postgraduate degrees and qualifications and additional degrees
  • PhD or MD by additional research (level 8 qualifications). This can include non-medical qualifications.
  • Bachelor degree (level 6 qualification) in addition to primary medical & Dental qualifications; 1st class honors or equivalent.
  • Taught and research masters degrees (level 7 qualifications). This can include non-medical qualifications
  • Single-year postgraduate course (e.g. MSc, MA, MRes, etc)
  • Degree obtained prior to starting primary medicial [sic] or dental degree – 2.1  or equivalent (can include non-medical related degrees)
  • Any other degrees or qualifications in addition to PMQ not covered in the above categories
  • Primary medical & dental qualification only
Self-Assessment – Page 2 (2 of 2)
1. Self Assessment
Prizes/Awards: choose one of the following
  • Awarded national prize related to medicine
  • High-achievement award for primary medical or dental qualification (e.g. honours or distinction)
  • More than one prize / distinction/  merit related to parts of the  medical or dental course or Foundation  Programme
  • Awarded regional prize related to medicine
  • One prize / distinction / merit related to parts of the medical or dental course or foundation training
  • Awarded local prize related to medicine
  • Scholarship / bursary (except BAOMS 2nd degree bursary)/ equivalent awarded during medical undergraduate training or foundation training
  • None/other
Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit: (Best Individual QIP/Audit Project) choose one of the following
  • I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (I.e. more than one completed cycle) using QI methodology or clinical audit AND I have presented the complete results at a regional or national meeting
  • I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed cycle) using QI methodology or clinical audit AND I have presented the complete results at a local meeting
  • I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed cycle) using QI methodology or clinical audit, but I have not presented the results
  • I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed cycle) using QI methodology or clinical audit, AND I have presented the complete results at a meeting
  • I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a sustainable (i.e. more than one completed cycle) change using QI methodology or clinical audit, but I have not presented the complete results at a meeting
  • I have participated only in certain stages of a quality improvement project or clinical audit, which has completed at least one cycle
Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit: (Other QIP/Audit Projects)
  • In addition to the score outlined above for a single project I have participated in 3 or more other QI/Audit project(s) at described level(s) of involvement in different stages of a quality improvement project(s) or clinical audit(s), which has/have completed at least one cycle
  • In addition to the score outlined above for a single project I have participated in 1-2 other QI/Audit project(s) at described level(s) of involvement in different stages of a quality improvement project(s) or clinical audit(s), which has/have completed at least one cycle
  • None/other
Teaching Experience: choose one of the following options
  • I have worked with local tutors to design and organise a teaching programme (a series of sessions) to enhance organised teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students at a regional level AND I have contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately three months or longer AND I have evidence of formal feedback.
  • I have provided regular teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students over a period of approximately three months or longer AND I have evidence of formal feedback.
  • I have taught medical students or other healthcare professionals occasionally AND I have evidence of formal feedback.
  • I have taught medical students or other healthcare professionals occasionally, but I have no formal feedback
  • None/other
Training in Teaching: choose one of the following options
  • I have a masters level or higher qualification in teaching e.g. PG Cert or PG Diploma
  • I have had substantial training in teaching methods lasting between five and twenty days; this could include a completed module which forms part of a postgraduate teaching qualification AND I can provide evidence for this
  • I am currently undertaking a course for a higher qualification in teaching AND I can provide evidence to demonstrate this
  • I have had brief training in teaching methods lasting no more than two days AND I can provide evidence to demonstrate this
  • I have had brief training in teaching via online modules only AND I can provide evidence to demonstrate this
  • I have had no training in teaching methods
Presentations: choose one of the following options
  • I have personally given an oral presentation at a national or international medical meeting after being invited/selected to do so
  • I have personally shown more than one poster at national or international medical meetings after being invited/selected to do so
  • I have personally shown one poster at a national or international medical meeting after being invited/selected to do so
  • I have given an oral presentation at a regional medical meeting after being invited/selected to do so
  • I have shown one or more posters at a regional medical meeting(s) after being invited/selected to do so
  • I have given an oral presentation, or shown two or more posters at a local medical meeting(s) after being  invited/selected to do so
  • None/other
Publications: choose one of the following options
  • I am first author, or joint-first author, of two or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press)
  • I am co-author of two or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press)
  • I am first author, or joint-first author, of one PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press)
  • I have written at least 50% of a book related to medicine (this does not include self-published books)
  • I am co-author of one PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press)
  • I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of more than one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as editorials, reviews, case reports, letters, etc.
  • I have written a chapter of a book related to medicine in its broadest sense (this does not include self-published books)
  • I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as an editorial, review, case report, letter, etc.
  • None/other
Leadership and Management: choose one of the following options
  • I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • I hold/have held a regional leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • I hold/have held a regional leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • I hold/have held a local leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • I hold/have held a local leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • None/other
Other Outstanding Achievements Not Noted Elsewhere: choose one of the following options
  • I have recognised achievements out with medicine at a highly significant level that have not fitted into any other domain
  • I have no recognised achievements out with medicine at a highly significant level that have not fitted into any other domain
Dental Qualification – This section is not scored: choose one of the following options
  • Dental degree date of qualification (or expected qualification if applying from Medical school with all other essential criteria met)
  • Location of institution awarding Dental Degree
  • Other GDC registerable Dental Qualifications
  • GDC registration status