Clinical Radiology ST3 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to Clinical Radiology ST3 higher specialty training. These are the application form questions used for posts advertised in November 2024 with a start date from August 2025.
The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 

Supporting Information

1. Consent

The Royal College of Radiologists and London Recruitment, are committed to improving the effectiveness of selection into Clinical Radiology.

One way of assessing the effectiveness of a recruitment process is by comparing an applicant’s selection centre score with their subsequent performance in training judged by examination results and ARCP outcomes.

I consent to my selection centre score being shared between London and South East Recruitment and the Royal College of Radiologists. (Yes | No)

2. FRCR status
An essential requirement to be eligible for Clinical Radiology is you have sat and passed the FRCR part 1 by application date. 
I have passed Part 1 FRCR at the point of application
  • I confirm I have passed FRCR part 1
  • I have not passed FRCR part 1
3. Eligibility
You must have ST2 capabilities (as defined by the 2021 Clinical Radiology curriculum) at the time of application. Please see our person specification for full details
Acceptable evidence is only permitted via the Alternative Certificate to Enter Clinical Radiology Specialty Training (ST3) 2025
You must have attached this to the competencies page of your application form. 

I have attached the Alternative Certificate to Enter Clinical Radiology Specialty Training (ST3) 2025 to my application (No | Yes)


1. Self-assessment

When completing this section you must read the guidance called 2025 Clinical Radiology ST3 Self assessment guidance. Please go to the Self Assesmsent and verificaition part of the ST3 Clinical Radiology and click on the related pages box 2025 clinical radiology ST3 self assessment guidance.

The 2025 Clinical Radiology ST3 Self assessment guidance includes specific rules about what you can claim and in which section, however, please note the following major points: 

–        Evidence submitted after application period – you will be contacted soon after applications close with details about how to upload your evidence There is no need to supply your evidence at the time of application, although you can use this time to prepare documentation ready for upload; the anticipated dates for applicant upload can be found in the applicant guide.

–        Completed achievements only – you can only claim on the basis of achievements completed at point of submission of your application. An achievement gained even on the day after the closing date for applications cannot be counted.  

–        Scores reviewed after submission – your application score will be reviewed based on the evidence that you submit; this could lead to your score being increased or reduced. However, you cannot amend this section after you have submitted your application should you have made a mistake, or gained an achievement after the submission of your application; although evidence verification may see your score uplifted if your evidence justifies a higher score. 

–        Score honestly – Evidence verifiers will be aware that it will not always be clear exactly which option to choose and so will not treat most cases of perceived over-claiming as a serious offence. The most likely outcome is that the score will be adjusted accordingly. However, any instances of candidates blatantly or persistently trying to gain an unfair advantage by over-claiming scores for and/or exaggerating their achievements will be taken extremely seriously.  

The questions below require you to select the most appropriate achievement from each section. If you have more than one achievement in an area which only allows you to choose an option for one, e.g. qualifications or achievements, you should select the option corresponding to your highest scoring achievement. 

The complete self assessment guidance for Clinical Radiology ST3 is on the website and attached to the advert. We have added the notes tables for your reference here, but advise to fully read the guidance document before completing this section. [NB: The note tables are not included in this archive, please see the radiology website for further guidance]

I confirm I understand I am not able to request changes to my self-assessment score following submission of my application. (Tickbox)

I confirm I have read the 2024/2025 self assessment guidance for Clinical Radiology ST3 before submitting my application. (Tickbox)

Domain 1: Postgraduate degrees and qualifications

Please select the most applicable option

  • PhD or DPhil Doctor of Philosophy (can include non-medical related qualifications) or FRCR 2B Examination
  • MD Doctor of Medicine – two-year original research-based or MPhil Master of Philosophy (can include non-medical related qualifications)
  • Full MRCP or MRCS or FRCR 2A Examination
  • Single-year (or equivalent) postgraduate course, eg MSc, MA, MRes, etc. (can include non-medical related qualifications)
  • MD Doctor of Medicine – dissertation only or Part 1 of MRCP or MRCS
  • Other relevant postgraduate diploma or postgraduate certificate typically lasting between one and ten months (whole-time equivalent)
  • None of the above

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 2: Presentations/posters

Please note – you must not, in any circumstances, include any presentations/posters relating to audit or quality improvement projects here – use the specific ‘quality improvement’ section (see QI tab for further details). If you have done multiple QI projects, you cannot claim points for QI-related presentations here even if you did not claim points for that project in the QI section. Additional QI projects can be mentioned without claiming points in the free-entry text box in that section.

What is a presentation?

‘Presentations’ referred to here are oral presentations, with or without slides, in front of an audience of healthcare professionals.

These can be of anything related to medicine, typically a case or case series, research or other topic. It would normally be expected to include a question and answer session.


The options also allow for posters, if a poster is shown without an accompanying oral presentation you can still claim points in line with the relevant statement below.

‘Shown’ should be considered to mean a significant role in the production and content of the poster and attendance at any question and answer poster session during the conference/meeting at which it is displayed.

What if I did not personally present or show a poster?

If you were a significant contributor to a presentation but did not personally present it, you can only claim points if this was in a national or international medical meeting choosing the relevant option below.

In the case of a poster, if you did not ‘show’ the poster but played a significant role in the production and content, as with presentations, you can only claim points where this was for a national or international medical meeting.

What is a medical meeting?

Typically this will be an audience of doctors and/or other healthcare professionals attending away from their normal place of work for which attendees will be undertaking continuing professional development.

The exception to this is the option for a local meeting where the audience is predominantly internal to that workplace. 

Please select the most applicable option

  • I have given a radiology related oral presentation or shown a radiology related poster at a national or international medical meeting.
  • I have given an oral presentation at a national or international medical meeting
  • I have shown more than one poster at national or international medical meetings
  • I have given a radiology related oral presentation or shown a radiology related poster at a regional medical meeting
  • I have shown one poster at a national or international medical meeting or I have given an oral presentation at a regional medical meeting
  • I have shown one or more posters at a regional medical meeting(s) or I have contributed to a poster presented nationally or internationally, but was not the first author
  • I have given an oral presentation, or shown one or more poster at a local medical meeting or I was a significant contributor to an oral presentation or poster at a national or international medical meeting, which I did not personally present or show or I have contributed to a poster presented regionally but was not the first author.
  • None of the above

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 3: Publications

Please select the most applicable option

  • I am first author, or joint-first author, of one or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press) related to radiology
  • I am first author, or joint-first author, of two or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press)
  • I am first author, or joint-first author, of one PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press)
  • I am co-author of two or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press)
  • I am co-author of at least one PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) related to radiology
  • I am co-author of one PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press)
  • I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of more than one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as editorials, reviews, case reports, letters, etc
  • I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of one PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as an editorial, review, case report, letter, etc
  • I have written a chapter of a book related to medicine in its broadest sense (does not include self-published books)
  • I have published one or more abstracts, non peer-reviewed articles or published articles that are not PubMed-cited
  • None of the above

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 4: Teaching Experience

Please select the most applicable option

  • I have worked with local tutors to design and organise a teaching programme (a series of sessions) to enhance locally organised teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students. I have contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately three months or longer.
  • I have organised a local teaching programme for healthcare professionals or medical students consisting of more than one session and contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately three months or longer.
  • I have provided regular teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students over a period of approximately three months or longer.
  • I have taught medical students or other healthcare professionals occasionally.
  • None of the above

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 5: Training in teaching

Please select the most applicable option

  • I have been awarded a 3 year masters level teaching qualification.
  • I have a higher qualification in teaching eg PG Cert or PG Diploma.
  • I have had substantial training in teaching methods lasting more than two days.
  • I have had brief training in teaching methods lasting no more than two days
  • I have had no training in teaching methods.

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 6: Quality Improvement 

Please select the most applicable option

  • I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed PDSA cycle) in a radiology related subject using QI methodology and I have presented the complete results at a meeting.
  • I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, and I have presented the complete results at a meeting.
  • I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a change (i.e. at least one completed PDSA cycle) in a radiology related subject using QI methodology and I have presented the complete results at a meeting.
  • I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a change (i.e. at least one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, but I have not presented the results.
  • I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a change (i.e. at least one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, and I have presented the complete results at a meeting.
  • I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a change (i.e. at least one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, but I have not presented the complete results at a meeting
  • I have studied QI methodology or undertaken QI training or attended a QI course.
  • None of the above

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 7: Leadership and Management

Please select the most applicable option

  • I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact or I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact.
  • I hold/have held a regional leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact
  • I hold/have held a local leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact or I hold/have held a local/regional leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact.
  • None of the above.

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Domain 8: Radiology reporting statistics

Please select the most applicable option

  • I have evidence of reporting 3500 or more examinations over the last two years.
  • I have evidence of reporting 2501-3500 examinations over the last two years.
  • I have evidence of reporting 1500-2500 examinations over the last two years
  • I have evidence of reporting less than 1499 examinations over the last two years.

Please explain why you have selected this option. (Words allowed: 100)

Thank you for completing this section