Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Wales) ST3 Specialty Training Advert 2023-2024

The information and documents included on this page are to help you prepare for your future specialty training applications.

The information is from specialty training posts advertised in 2023, with a start date from August 2024. Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Job Advert

The text below is for posts advertised in November-December 2023, with a start date from August 2024. It is included here for information to help you prepare for future applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Training Programme:Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery ST3
Post Type:Specialty Training
Post Commencing From: August 2024
Duration (months):72
Recruitment Lead:Health Education Improvement Wales
Recruiting For:Wales

Post Details: 

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Grade: ST3

Indicative Vacancies: 3-10

Location of Post(s):

Staff Group: Medical & Dental

Job Type: Specialty Training

Salary Scale:  NHS Wales Pay and Conditions

Qualifications and professional registration required:

The qualifications and professional registration requirements plus other eligibility criteria can be found in the person specification. The person specification for this specialty is available from the Specialty Training website which can be accessed from Oriel. 

Commencement Date: Wednesday 7th August 2024

Anticipated Duration of the Programme: 6 years, subject to satisfactory ARCPs

Programme information:

  • Completion of Trauma and Orthopaedicspecialty training leading to achievement of CCT, subject to satisfactory ARCPs


Eligibility Criteria for recruitment to Specialty Training 2024 – Immigration Requirements:

To determine if you are eligible to apply for Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery training in the current recruitment round, please refer to the Right to Work Section which can be found at

How to Apply:

Application window: 10am, Thursday 16th November 2023 – 4pm, Thursday 7th December 2023.

Interview date/venue: Wednesday 28th February 2024 Online

Applications submitted outside of the application window will not be accepted.

Manylion y Swydd: 

Arbenigedd: Llawfeddygaeth Trawma ac Orthopedeg

Hyfforddiant: ST3

Nifer o Swyddi Gwag: 3-10

Lleoliad y Swydd(i) / Cyflogwyr:

  • Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan
  • Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr
  • Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a’r Fro
  • Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg
  • Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda
  • Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe

Grŵp Staff: Meddygol a Deintyddol

Math o Swydd: Hyfforddiant Arbenigol

Graddfa Gyflog:  Cyflog ac Amodau GIG Cymru

Angen cymwysterau a chofrestriad proffesiynol:

Gellir dod o hyd i’r gofynion cymwysterau a chofrestriad proffesiynol ynghyd â meini prawf cymhwysedd eraill yn y fanyleb person. Mae’r fanyleb person ar gyfer yr arbenigedd hwn ar gael ar y wefan Hyfforddiant Arbenigol y gellir ei chyrchu drwy Oriel. 

Dyddiad Cychwyn: Dydd Mercher, 7th  Awst 2024

Rhagwelir Hyd y Rhaglen i fod yn: 6 blynedd,  yn amodol ar ARCPau boddhaol

Gwybodaeth am y rhaglen:

  • Cwblhau hyfforddiant arbenigedd Llawfeddygaeth Trawma ac Orthopedeggan arwain at gyflawni CCT, yn amodol ar ARCPau boddhaol


Meini Prawf Cymhwystra ar gyfer Recriwtio i Hyfforddiant Arbenigol 2024 – Gofynion Mewnfudo:

I benderfynu p’un a ydych yn gymwys i wneud cais am hyfforddiant Llawfeddygaeth Trawma ac Orthopedeg  yn y rownd recriwtio bresennol, gweler yr Adran Hawl i Weithio y gellir ei chanfod ar

Sut i wneud cais:

Amseriad penodol y cais: 10yb, Dydd Iau 16 Tachwedd 2023 – 4yp, Dydd Iau 7 Rhagfyr 2023

Dyddiadau / lleoliad y cyfweliad: Dydd Mercher, 28 Chwefror 2024 – Ar-lein

Ni dderbynnir ceisiadau a gyflwynir y tu allan i amseriad penodol y cais. 

Sicrhewch eich bod wedi llenwi holl adrannau perthnasol y ffurflenni cais gan y bydd gwybodaeth goll yn ystyried bod eich cais yn anghyflawn ac ni fydd yn cael ei ystyried.

Am wybodaeth bellach yn ymwneud â Llawfeddygaeth Trawma ac Orthopedeg, ewch i:

Manylion cyswllt: Swyddfa Recriwtio AaGIC, e-bost:

Please ensure that you have completed all the relevant sections of the application forms as missing information will deem your application incomplete and it will not be considered.

For further information relating to Trauma and Orthopaedic, please visit: The Royal College of Surgeons of England — Royal College of Surgeons ( or the BOA Homepage or

Contact Details: HEIW Recruitment Office, email:


The following links were included within the advertisement. Some links may only be live or working during the application and recruitment window.


The following documents were included within the advertisement. Click the link(s) below to download the document(s) to your device.

Application Form

For specialty-specific questions please visit the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Wales) ST3 application form page.

For the generic application form questions applicable to all specialties please visit the application form page.

Competition Ratios

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

Competition Ratio figures are for the whole of UK, and include data combined from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

For further information and all competition data please see the Competition Ratios page.

Fill Rates

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

For regional fill rate data please see the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery fill rates page.