1. Full employment history (UK/Overseas)
I have no employment history (Tick box)
Where experience is required for a post, ticking this box will make you ineligible.
If you completed clinical training equivalent to Foundation Year 1, before graduation from medical school, you must include this in your employment history.
Remember to include any F1 / F2 posts here if applicable.
If your posts are concurrent, please ensure you list each post separately stating the exact whole time equivalent for each, ensuring posts are listed in chronological order including exact start and finish dates. For consecutive posts, please ensure the end date of a post is not also the start date of the next.
2. Employment history – data entry section
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please use this data entry section to add/update your employment history and ensure you use the action buttons (‘Add ‘, ’Edit’, ‘Cancel ‘ etc) to submit information against your record.
Important information
Please list all medical/dental employment from current/most recent employment history detailing back to graduation from medical/dental school. For rotational posts in Core Training programmes, please list each component post separately. Please also list posts that you are due to undertake but have not yet started, that is, future posts.
If you are currently in employment and do not have an “end date” please put the end date as being the day before the commencement date for the post for which you are applying (as per the Applicant Guide). If you leave your current post before this date you must send details to the relevant Deanery/NHS England recruitment office.
Important information regarding employment gaps
The system will autogenerate any gaps in employment of longer than four weeks within three years preceding the advertised post commencing from date. Please note the following would be considered an employment gap:
- any expected or planned career gaps between submission of the application form and the post commencing from date of the advertised post
- any potential gaps between the end date of your last planned post and the advertised post commencing from date where you do not currently know what your employment status will be – you should provide information about your intentions for this period
- any periods of short-term, ad hoc or locum work greater than four weeks; where this is the case, please summarise the nature and amount of full time equivalent experience gained across any posts undertaken during this period
- any gaps where you have stepped out of programme with the expectation of returning such as to undertake research in a formal post or to take a career break
- periods of leave such as maternity leave or career breaks
- where you have less than 3 years employment history
If you have less than 3 years employment history, you must note the dates and explanation of what you were doing before your first employment post as a gap (for example Undergraduate Education).
Employer name
Post code
Post title
Post type (Dropdown list of post types)
Specialty: (Dropdown list of specialties)
Level of post (Dropdown list)
Less than full time (LTFT)
Start date
End date
Is this your current post?
Duration of post (in months)
Observer/Clinical attachment/unpaid post
3. Employment gaps
Do you have any gaps in your employment of more than 4 weeks duration? (Yes/No)
Please include career breaks for maternity leave, health etc
The answer to this question has been auto-generated based on the employment history entered above. Therefore this appears as a read-only field, you are not required to answer it. If you think that this is incorrect, please review the employment records entered previously.
Do you have any gaps in your employment history, of more than 4 weeks duration, prior to three years before the advertised programme start date for this post?