UK Specialty Training Fill Rates

In 2024 95.71% of UK medical and surgical specialty training posts were filled: 12,869 posts -12,317 filled, 552 unfilled posts. 

Across the UK’s nations 96% posts in England were filled, 92.5% in Northern Ireland, 94.4% in Scotland and 95.5% in Wales.

Across the training levels 99.3% of the training posts at CT1/ST1 level were filled, 90.1% of ST3 posts and 82.7% of ST4 posts.

Use the links below to view more detailed UK medical and surgical specialty training fill rates for 2013-24 by nation, region or by specialty.

Specialty Specific Fill Rates

Run Through ST1 Specialties

Core CT1 Specialties

Higher Medical Specialties

Higher Specialties


Old fill rates by Psychiatry specialty:


Other Specialties Recruiting at ST3/ST4:

National and Regional Fill Rates

Use the following links to view national/regional fill rates: