Clinical Radiology (Northern Ireland) ST1 - Specialty Specific Application Form Questions

These are the UK Specialty Training application form questions used on Oriel for applications to ST1, CT1, ST3 and ST4 specialty training posts. 

The questions are presented here to help you prepare for your future applications. Please be aware application form structures, questions, word counts, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future application forms will remain the same. 
Supporting Information
1. Supporting Information
Use the spaces below to provide information to demonstrate how you are suitable for a training post in this specialty.  Please refer to both the essential and desirable criteria on the person specification as you complete the following sections.
If you do not have an achievement in that area, please put ‘N/A’ in the relevant box.
Additional Undergraduate Qualifications
Please include details of the qualification awarded, institution/awarding body and dates. If you have a degree/qualification that does not fit the usual UK grading system, you will need to use your knowledge of the grading system in the country where the qualification was gained to select the most appropriate option and include text here to justify your selection (Words allowed: 100)
Postgraduate Qualifications
Please include details of the qualification awarded, institution/awarding body and dates. Do not include qualifications you are currently undertaking and have not yet completed, or use this section for membership exams or other qualifying postgraduate exams listed on the person specification, these should go in section 2 below. (Words allowed: 100)
Please specify details of any honours degrees, prizes, awards and other distinctions you have gained (Words allowed: 100)
Please provide details of your most relevant presentations and/or posters. Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work. Other than the option of being a significant contributor at a national or international meeting, it is a requirement that you deliver presentations yourself (or co-present) and for posters that you are available for questions/answers where it is shown. (Words allowed: 350)
Please provide details of your most relevant publications. Please give full citation details (as in Pubmed ( of any published work and then give a statement about your personal contribution to the work. If adding details of an abstract, please add ‘(abstract)’ as a note. (Words allowed: 300)
Teaching Experience
Please provide details of your teaching experience. Please give full details about the type of teaching, your personal contribution, details of any feedback obtained and how you have reflected on this. (Words allowed: 250)
Training in Teaching
Please provide details of your training in teaching. Include details about; the course provider, any qualification gained, start and end dates, the length of training and the how the course was conducted (Words allowed: 100)
Quality Improvement
Please provide details of your experience of quality improvement activities, giving titles and dates. What specifically was your contribution, what did the project show, how was it sustainable, was it presented or published. (Words allowed: 250)
Leadership / Management
Please provide details of your experience in leadership and management, specifying the; name of the organisation, nature and scope of your role, start and (if applicable) end date. You must also include details of the positive impact you were able to make. Roles must be subsequent to commencing your first undergraduate degree (ie this includes any degree undertaken prior to your primary medical qualification) (Words allowed: 250)
Commitment to specialty
Please outline any specific skills or attributes that you possess that make you suitable for a career in this specialty. (Words allowed: 150)
Achievement outside Medicine
In this space please describe any other attributes or activities outside of the field of medicine that you feel may support your application. It is not mandatory to enter any information here but is recommended to refer to the person specification when considering information to include. (Words allowed: 150)
2. College Membership Progression
Please provide details of any membership exams you have passed or are in the process of sitting.  If you are due to sit an exam and expect the exam results before the interview window for this round, please enter the date of the exam and your current status (e.g. Passed, booked, awaiting result).  
For each exam:
o Name
o Exam Name
o Date of Exam
o Exam Status
3. Training courses attended
In this section you can provide details of training courses you have attended that are most relevant to the programme/specialty for which you are applying. There is no need to enter training relating to teaching as this should be covered in section 1.
For each course:
o Name
o Course Title
o Date Attended
o Course Provider
o Duration
o Course Content
4. Advanced life support (ALS)
Please provide details on how you meet the criteria “Recognition of, and ability to undertake the initial management of, an acutely ill patient.”
Do you hold a valid advanced life support qualification (ALS or equivalent qualification)? (Yes/No)
Please select your ALS certification from the drop-down list of accepted qualifications. [Dropdown list]
Please enter the date on which you completed the course
If you do not have a valid advanced life support qualification, please explain how you meet the criteria “Recognition of, and ability to undertake the initial management of, an acutely ill patient.”  This information will be considered in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. (Words allowed: 200)
5. NIMDTA Welcome Event 
NIMDTA runs an annual Welcome Event for trainees new to Northern Ireland. This event is predominately aimed at doctors who have neither worked nor lived in Northern Ireland before.  The course is designed to address some of the elements of life particular to Northern Ireland, both inside and outside medicine.
All new appointments are welcome; however we would appreciate if you could answer the questions below to indicate the range of trainees attending.
Do you identify yourself as someone New to Northern Ireland (N2NI)? (Yes/No)
i.e. If you don’t have enough experience of working or living in NI, then please answer yes.
Would like to receive an invitation to NIMDTA’s New to Northern Ireland Welcome Event? (Yes/No)