Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (NI) ST3 Specialty Training Advert 2024-2025

The information and documents included on this page are to help you prepare for your future specialty training applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Job Advert

The text below is from the specialty training advertisement included on the Oriel website and is included here for information to help you prepare for future applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Training Programme:Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery ST3
Post Type:Specialty Training
Post Commencing From: August 2025
Duration (months):72
Recruitment Lead:Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
Recruiting For:Northern Ireland

An ST3 post is available in Northern Ireland within the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Training Programme.

The Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) is responsible for funding, managing and supporting postgraduate medical and dental education within the Northern Ireland Deanery. It provides a range of services for those engaged in the delivery of postgraduate Medical and Dental education and training.  Overall management responsibility rests with the Postgraduate Dean, Dr Camille Harron

In Northern Ireland, there are over 50 individual specialty training programmes which are managed by 8 Specialty Schools.  The Hospital Training Department at NIMDTA supports and administers the work of these schools.  In addition, there is a GP Specialty Training Programme which is supported by the GP Training Department.


Trainees will participate in the routine clinical work as specified in the job descriptions for each individual unit to which they are attached.

Trainees will have the opportunity to develop managerial skills as they rotate through the programme in various hospitals. 

Trainees should undertake a formal management training course during the final year of training.

All trainees will be expected and encouraged to have an active interest in research and publication.

This does not necessarily mean taking a year or two years out-of-programme to work towards an MD of PhD unless the trainee also wishes to undertake subspecialist training.

All trainees will be expected and encouraged to have an active interest in audit/quality improvement/service development and will be expected to undertake such projects during their training.

All trainees will be expected to attend the various educational opportunities provided in hospitals in which they are placed and those provided on a regional basis.

Trainees should also where appropriate assist in the training and education of others.


Regular assessment of progress will be made during the period of training. 

There will be an annual ARCP assessment at which the trainee will be required to demonstrate evidence of satisfactory progress in order to proceed to the next year.

Salary Scales:

Specialty Registrar (CT): £35,405 – £46,842

Specialty Registrar (Full): £35,405- £55,670

All appointments are subject to the following:

  • Right to work in the UK
  • Full Registration with the GMC
  • Satisfying NIMDTA’s Reference Requirements
  • Satisfactory AccessNI Enhanced Disclosure Certificate
  • Satisfactory Pre-Placement Health Assessment (PPHA)
  • Satisfactory review of any Fitness to Practise declarations that may impact on ability to take up the training post
  • Acceptance by the Host Organisation

Further information in relation to Specialty Training is available from the NIMDTA website Hospital Specialty (

Further information in relation to Specialty Recruitment is available from the NIMDTA website Hospital Specialty Recruitment (

Further information on hospitals in Northern Ireland is available at



The following links were included within the advertisement. Some links may only be live or working during the application and recruitment window.


The following documents were included within the advertisement. Click the link(s) below to download the document(s) to your device.

Application Form

For specialty-specific questions please visit the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (NI) ST3 application form page.

For the generic application form questions applicable to all specialties please visit the application form page.

Competition Ratios

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

Not all Northern Ireland Compeition Ratios are available. For further details see the NIMDTA and Medical Specialty Training websites.

Fill Rates

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

For regional fill rate data please see the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery fill rates page.