General Psychiatry ST4 Specialty Training Advert 2024-2025

The information and documents included on this page are to help you prepare for your future specialty training applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Job Advert

The text below is from the specialty training advertisement included on the Oriel website and is included here for information to help you prepare for future applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Training Programme:General Psychiatry ST4
Post Type:Specialty Training
Post Commencing From: August 2025
Duration (months):36
Recruitment Lead:Psychiatry National Recruitment Office
Recruiting For:England, Scotland, Wales


NHS England (North West Office) is coordinating the national process for recruiting trainees into all ST4 Psychiatry specialty posts for August 2025 recruitment. Some summary information is included below. However, please see the hyperlinks tab for links to further information about the recruitment process.

Application Process

In this recruitment round you will only be required to submit one application to a General Psychiatry vacancy, but posts may be available in all the specialties listed below:

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Forensic Psychiatry

General Adult Psychiatry

Medical Psychotherapy

Old Age Psychiatry

Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability

Dual Child & Adolescent Psychiatry/Medical Psychotherapy

Dual Forensic/Medical Psychotherapy

Dual General Adult/Forensic

Dual General Adult/Medical Psychotherapy

Dual General Adult/Old Age

Dual Psychiatry of Learning Disability/CAMHS

Dual Forensic/Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Post Information

For a list of indicative ST4 vacancy numbers for this round received for each HEE Local Office/Deanery please visit the ST4 pages of our website:

Please note that post numbers are subject to change throughout the recruitment round.

Basic programme information is available from our website:

For information regarding scales of pay, please refer to the NHS Employers website as scales may differ across the UK:

When applying in this recruitment round, applications will be made to a General ST4 Psychiatry vacancy across England, Scotland and Wales without candidates needing to select a specific specialty or the individual Local Offices/Deanerise/UoAs at the time of application. Preferencing will be made available via Oriel at a later stage of the recruitment round.  All available ST4 Psychiatry posts in England, Scotland and Wales across the six single specialties and seven dual specialties will be available for applicants to preference at that stage of the process. In previous rounds of recruitment, applicants have been restricted to only two specialties so this change gives applicants more flexibility.

Applications are equally open to those who may, either from the outset or subsequently, wish to train less than full time or job share.

Please note that there is a strict application policy that applications cannot be accepted after the deadline.

Key Dates

All ST4 Psychiatry interviews will take place virtually across the following weeks:

Week Commencing: Monday 3rd February 2025 

Week Commencing: Monday 10th February 2025

It is anticipated that the interview will last no longer than 15 minutes and will focus on commitment/suitability for higher Psychiatry training. Further information will be available in due course.

Applicants will have the opportunity to upload evidence to support their Self-Assessment during the following window:

Opens:  Monday 10th February 2025 at 10:00am UK Time

Closes: Friday 21st February 2025 at 16:00pm UK Time


 Eligibility Information

Before applying, please read the ST4 Psychiatry Person Specification to assess your suitability for the post:

In order to assess whether or not you have the requisite competences or equivalent, please refer to the ‘Eligibility’ & ‘Evidence of Core Competences’ information published on our website:

Additional information and guidance on the Certificate C form (equivalent Core Competence Form) can be found on our website:  

Please note that for the August 2024 intake, only the ‘August 2023’ version of the Certificate C can be accepted.

Fitness to Practice

If you answer “yes” to any of the Fitness to Practise questions, please ensure that you email details to us by no later than the closing date for applications. Please note that answering “yes” to one or more of the Fitness to Practise questions does not necessarily mean your application cannot progress. Emails should be sent to: 


Information about this round of recruitment can be found on our website:

For any queries that cannot be answered by the methods above, please contact:


The following links were included within the advertisement. Some links may only be live or working during the application and recruitment window.


No documents were included in the advertisement. See the Links and Job Advert sections for links to further information and resources.

Application Form

For specialty-specific questions please visit the General Psychiatry ST4 application form page.

For the generic application form questions applicable to all specialties please visit the application form page.

Competition Ratios

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

For further information and all competition data please see the Competition Ratios page.

Fill Rates

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

For regional fill rate data please see the General Psychiatry fill rates page.