Public Health ST1 Specialty Training Advert 2024-2025

The information and documents included on this page are to help you prepare for your future specialty training applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Job Advert

The text below is from the specialty training advertisement included on the Oriel website and is included here for information to help you prepare for future applications.

Please be aware specialty training advertisements, links, recruitment leads, post numbers, etc. can change and there is no guarantee that future advertisements and application processes will remain the same. 

Training Programme:Public Health Medicine
Post Type:Specialty Training (ST)
Post Commencing From: August 2025
Duration (months):60
Recruitment Lead:Public Health National Recruitment Office
Recruiting For:United Kingdom (England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland)
Enquiries Email:

Information about the specialty 

Consultants in Public Health serve the population, whether they are working for a rural community, a large city, or the entire national population. The principles remain the same: prevention of ill health, promotion of healthy lifestyles and provision of good health care services. 

The programme combines academic training, service experience and skills-based training, resulting in a CCT/CESR (CP) in Public Health and the ability to gain entry to the UK Public Health Register and GMC Specialist Register. 

We are keen to meet both medics and professionals from backgrounds other than medicine with a commitment to improving the health of the population and the drive to make every life better by improving how and where we live. 

If you are from a medical background, you could be looking to specialise after your F2 training; already in specialist training and want to venture into Public Health; or looking for a change of career. If you are a graduate coming from a background other than medicine, we ask that you have a good degree and substantial postgraduate experience in an area relevant to Public Health. Above all, you must be passionate about improving the health of every single person in the UK. 

This is a five-year training programme in Public Health aimed at doctors and graduates/professionals from a background other than medicine who can demonstrate the essential competences to enter training. 


Application process & eligibility information 

The Public Health National Recruitment Office via NHS England – Midlands is coordinating the national process for recruiting trainees into Public Health ST1 posts.

You can start your application via the `Apply Here` button above.

This is for completion of CCT/ CESR (CP) subject to satisfactory progression. 

Before applying please read the person specification to assess your suitability for the post.   

In the event of further training opportunities becoming available within this specialty in any of the programmes managed via this recruitment process, appointable candidates may also be considered for these posts.  

In order to assess whether or not you have the requisite competences or equivalent, refer to the person specification and the guidance here.  

If applying through the medical route, please upload all required evidence of competences (if applicable) to your online application form when completing the application form online.   

Please visit the Medical Specialty Recruitment website for further information.

Please note that the vacancies advertised may be subject to change prior to interview.


Additional information 

Please visit our website to find out the following information: 

  • Indicative number of vacancies available
  • Likely locations of posts and possible employers within the training programme
  • Expected rotation details
  • Anticipated outcome of the training programme, subject to satisfactory progression

Programmes will be confirmed directly with the candidate by the appropriate NHS England region/Deanery should applicants be successful at interview. 

Please be aware that although trainees’ preferences are considered when making decisions on placements, final decisions consider the service needs of all sites within our training programmes. 


Key dates and information

Assessment Centre date: 7 & 8 January 2025
Selection Centre dates: Tuesday 4 March – Friday 7 March 2025
Selection Centre: Online interview 
Posts commence from: 6 August 2025

The expected duration of this programme is 5 years; however, the actual duration may depend on the circumstances of the individual.

Please note that there is a strict application policy that applications cannot be accepted after the deadline. 

The Postgraduate Dean confirms that this placement and / or programme has the required educational and Dean’s approval.

Applications are equally open to those who may, either from the outset or subsequently, wish to train less than full time or job share. 


Selection process
Assessment Centre 

Assessment tests will be offered through test centres at various locations throughout the UK and other countries. Candidates will be required to provide evidence of their identity before sitting tests. Candidates should be careful to check what identity evidence will be accepted at the test centre. Candidates will be given time to familiarise themselves with the test environment before timed tests begin.

Selection Centre

Top ranked applicants from the written tests will be invited to a virtual selection centre process, expected to take place from 4 March to 7 March 2025.

Further information can be found on the Medical Training Recruitment Website

We aim to interview 252 candidates which will be an approximate ratio of about 3 candidates per available post.

Full details of the process and requirements of candidates will be sent to those applicants invited to attend the selection centre. 



General applicant guidance is available from the Specialty Training website and an extensive list of FAQs for Public Health is available here

During the recruitment episode please visit the website regularly to access up-to-date information relating to this vacancy and information about the recruitment process.

For any queries that cannot be answered by the methods above please contact:

For further national recruitment information please visit the Specialty Training website.


The advert did not include a links section, see the main Job Advert information (above) for links to further information and resources. 

Please note: Some of those included links may only be live/working during the application and recruitment window.


No documents were included in the advertisement. See the Links and Job Advert sections for links to further information and resources.

Application Form

For specialty-specific questions please visit the Public Health Specialty Specific Questions page.

For the generic application form questions applicable to all specialties please visit the application form page.

Competition Ratios

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

For further information and all competition data please see the Competition Ratios page.

Fill Rates

Mobile Users: This table is best viewed on a computer or tablet device, or in landscape orientation on your phone. In portrait orientation press the + icon at the left of the row to see more information.

For regional fill rate data please see the Public Health Medicine Fill Rates page.