Specialty Training Fill Rates - London

In 2024 98.19% of the 1,990 posts available in London were filled. This is an increase in the fill rate compared to 2023 when 97.51% of 1,929 posts were filled.

At CT1/ST1 level 99.72% of 1,441 posts were filled (1437 filled posts, 4 unfilled posts). This is a decrease compared to 2023 when 100% of 1,395 CT1/ST1 posts were filled. 14 out of 17 CT1/ST1 specialties (82.35%) filled all their posts, with 3 specialties having unfilled posts – Paediatrics, Histopathology, General Practice and Public Health Medicine.

At ST3 level 97.39% of 230 posts were filled (224 filled posts, 6 unfilled posts). This is an increase compared to 2023 when 92.65% of 204 ST3 posts were filled (189 filled posts, 15 unfilled posts). 23 out of 27 ST3 specialties (85.19%) filled all their posts, with 4 specialties having unfilled posts – Haematology, Chemical Pathology, Medical Ophthalmology, Immunology (an increase compared to 2023 when 23 out of 28 specialties (82.14%) filled all their posts).

At ST4 level 91.85% of 319 posts were filled (293 filled posts, 26 unfilled posts). This is an increase compared to 2023 when 90% of 330 ST4 posts were filled (297 filled posts, 33 unfilled posts). 12 out of 17 ST4 specialties (70.59%) filled all their posts, with 5 specialties having unfilled posts – Geriatric Medicine, Psychiatry, Acute Internal Medicine, Palliative Medicine, Genitourinary Medicine (a decrease compared to 2023 when 18 out of 24 specialties (75%) filled all their posts).

Fill rates for all specialty training posts in London over the period 2013-2024 are shown in the table below. Use the links below the table to view all fill rates by nation, region or specialty.

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